
Hey it's been a while since i've been on here but something has popped up that has really confused me.

My 1991 Def 90 200Tdi has slowly developed an electrical fault that will suddenly cut power to absolutely everything, including the engine, when i use an electrical auxiliary which consumes a bit of power (more so than side lights etc.) for example full beam, my beacon, driving lights, roof lights etc. The more current draw the bigger the cut-out. its not exclusive to the circuits that i have fitted, it happens on original wiring for e.g full beam, heated rear window and so on.

It doesn't happen all the time but its becoming increasingly common now to the point where its probably going to play up every time i use it. When the problem is happening i have figured out i am ONLY getting power from my alternator, i had a multimeter on the battery leads and that confirmed it, my battery was sat there with 12.5 volts and wasn't getting any charge from my alternator. also if i was to attempt to stall my truck all of the lights would dim lower and lower as the engine got slower and slower until when it stops the power would completely disappear and then come back once the engine is stopped completely because my battery power then comes back :confused:

I fitted a brand new out the box alternator a few weeks back as i had problems with the old one, it cured that problem but not this problem i'm now explaining. I fitted a new starter motor to the engine a few months back so i know the positive connections are good on there, i remember checking them because i had the problem back then as well. i have cleaned the main battery earth to the transfer box, i have cleaned the earth from engine to chassis, i have checked the earth on the front bulkhead in front of the driver seat. I have also cleaned the plug in the same place which i believe contains the battery feed to the fuse box?

This fault has really stumped me as its doing a really weird thing, it's isolating my battery so i'm only running off the power from my alternator. and the problem only exists when the engine is running. I'm going to trace the positive wires into the dash and fuse box to see if i can find something there but surely I'm wasting my time going too in depth into particular wiring harnesses as it's a problem that is local to everything?

If someone has an idea what the issue could be please share your ideas! Anything i've missed, for example, other earth leads? if i haven't made myself clear enough please ask questions! I've given myself a headache trying to think what the problem is and for all i know it could be starring me in the face. :confused:

Thanks in advance!

Cameron ... Oh and sorry about the length!
You say that you've cleaned your earths but have you considered that one of the cables may be failing. Try using a jump lead to 'double up' on each of the earth leads in turn.
Or just replace the earth straps, they're not exactly expensive.
Not a bad shout at all, but that has made me think more in detail.

When the problem is occurring i have no battery, it doesn't seem to be in the circuit. The power i am relying on is whatever my alternator is producing. I think i have worked out that the reason i am loosing power when i flick full beam on, or turn on my beacon etc etc. is because there is a delay when the alternator compensates for the current drawn. give it a few seconds and all power will literally charge back up, like turning up some lights in your house on a dim resister switch. (It takes a lot longer when damanding more current, e.g. more lights). And then everything is fine until you then demand more power. Its because my battery isn't in the circuit that i don't have that back-up power when the alternator is trying to compensate for load... i think?

Thats my workings out but why would it do that? and obviously i still don't know if thats correct? You mentioned the earth strap but if my theory is correct an earth strap doesn't come into it as my alternator is giving me the power that my battery can deliver and it is using that same earth?

But of course i am not saying you are wrong, in fact i am going to consider changing them because its a very good point, it will give me piece of mind and it does seem a logical thing to take into account! thanks!
I would start with extra earth straps and clean the existing ones. Every landy I have had has had an earth related fault which some extra straps from halfords have fixed

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