
Active Member
Hi all,
I have a couple of ideas about what could be causing the Ticking noise on my 200tdi, but wanted to ask you geniuses what you thought before i start dismantling things :D

Essentially, there is a ticking noise coming from my 200tdi. I can only hear it when in the cab (suggesting back of the block?). It varies with engine revs, and is worst when cold.

My main theory is that it's coming from the exhaust manifold- noticed a slightly loose nut there and when i tightened it it seemed to help, but they're all tight now and it's still there. I did notice that one of the threads on the cylinder head might have come away (for the 2nd time), so could be preventing tightening. I haven't had chance to check properly yet.

It could also be the head gasket- or so i'm told. But the head gasket was replaced as a service item at 120k and there isn't any funny residue in the water or oil, so i reckon it's probably not that.

Could it be injector related? I know that mine are a bit tired. . .?

There is no loss in performance as far as i can tell (recently had a new lift pump and refitted turbo pipes to fix recent sluggishness).

Any ideas much appreciated before i go off in the wrong direction! ;)

So a ticking noise that varies with engine speed.

Does it do it when driving along and stationary?

Did it do it before the lift pump was changed?

Can sometimes be the lift pump.

Other favourite guess would be exhaust manifold gasket
if not exhaust listen closely to speedo as mine was really noisy and sounded very similar to "ticking" from manifold.
Thanks chaps!

Station house- yes it did tick before the new lift pump and I *think* it does it when stationary, but I can't really hear over the general din of the engine. It definitely gets quicker/louder with engine revs under acceleration.
The manifold gasket was replaced about 18 months ago but when I removed the manifold bolts the thread came with them so I couldn't put them back in- got a local garage to finish the job- I'm wondering if the thread has come loose again meaning a bolt can't be properly tightened. I'll have a look when I get a few days off.

Bigsie- cheers for the tip- I'll have a listen.

hi i think you have a damaged head gasket . they ofren blow on the rear of head nearest to bulkhead sound like manifold gasket but will be head gasket .no oil or water loss just looses to atmosphere !! easy fix ! new gasket
probs not this, but mine tickes everynow and then, i just spray some WD on the timing belt and it shuts up...
But obviously thats the timing belt!
Long screwdriver stick the sharp end on the row of 8 13mm headed bolts in the block below the injectors, other end to ear and have a listen.


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