
I cannot stop the damned thing squealing. I have a new belt at the correct tension, but it still squeals near full lock. Very embarrassing in Homebase car park. Any solutions?
Is it the belt or is it the pump? Mine squeels now and again if I hold it on full lock (which you shouldn’t do)
Is it the belt or is it the pump? Mine squeels now and again if I hold it on full lock (which you shouldn’t do)
Shouldn't the pump have a pressure release valve for this situation so it should not squeal, but it will change noise as the valve activates.
stiff pump perhaps, indicating its close to grenading itself. This was what mine did anyway, before it ceased solid at 60mph..... was interesting.
Ive had a few pas pumps die on my 200, each time it was the nose bearing in the pump itself.
On most pas pumps the bearings are lubed by the pas oil, but as the 200 has an extended nose shaft the bearing is just a std grease lubricated bearing and when it dries out or you have been wading (which is what I used to do lots of) the bearing fails and the pump is toast, once the shaft even snapped off!
Its no drama and can be driven quite safely, just takes more effort.
Regarding holding the pas on full lock for to long, yes the pressure reliefe valve will come into play, but more than 30 seconds will boil the fluid.
Try changing the power steering pulley, they wear where the belt rubs and it allows the belt to be slightly slack creating the squeal, I changed mine and the squeal was fixed.

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