
Well-Known Member
I know i know it been done time and time again, ive already read nearly all of them.
I recently bought a 200tdi from a disco as mine was breathing it nuts off, as i didnt know its history and ive had 2 engines that breath heavy i thought id strip this one down prior to fitting to see what sort of condition it was in.
The bores are mint unlike my first engine, but the crank shells seemed a litle on the worn side so i replaced all the crank shells, big ends etc and the piston rings, i removed the cam and checked when putting it all back and everything seemed to be ok.
I fitted the defender front end and all ancillaries as ive done before when fitting disco engine to the defender.
I got ready for a laning trip last month and set off ( 10 hrs after fitting engine) within 30 mins the oil light came on on tick over, i found one of the cooler hoses lose so tightened it up, no other leaks and topped the oil up, still the same.
Ive replaced the sender and also fitted a pressure guage, pressure reads about 30 psi when cold at tick over between 0-5 when warmed up.
Ive replaced the oil and filter and today replaced the oil pump for a known good one, still the same.
Im pulling my hair out and ready to scrap the bloody thing, if any one has any ideas or think ive overlooked anything please let me know.
It has crossed my mind but im sure i didnt, wouldnt that be constant low oil pressure though?

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