
New Member
Hi All,

I'd forgotten how boring getting insurance was. Almost bored me to death and still not sorted. Anyway, does anybody know:

1. Does a '94 200Tdi come with any immobiliser as standard? Can't find out anywhere. I know it has some kind of excuse for an alarm (beeping horn) and a flashing red light on the dash but I don't think the insurance company will be happy with that...

2. Any recommendations of insurance companies to try or avoid? So far best quote is Lancaster Insurance £284 excess of £100 fully comp. Sounds pretty good to me these days...

I recently got a new insurance for defender and thought it worth while to opt for 'More Than' insurance as this is one of very few companies which still covers you to drive any other vehicle with the owners permision. A very usefull insurance!!! This I think is worth bearing in mind.
no idea if the 94 model had it fitted or not. my 1991 model hasnt got one. i got a new one off ebay for 25 quid and fitted it within a few hours.

most insurance companies are insisting that one is fitted now.
Thanks for the replies. Just tried More Than as suggested and got quoted £279, that'll do me. Also, they don't ask a load of BS questions which avoids my problem of finding out if it's got an immobiliser.

More Than reckon I have a 1993 200TDI 'S' but I still can't find a detailed specification for that model.

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