cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys
Does it matter if the vacuum pump is blanked off or not if not running a servo as i've seen pic's with them blanked off and just left open :)
Hi guys
Does it matter if the vacuum pump is blanked off or not if not running a servo as i've seen pic's with them blanked off and just left open :)

Lots of different opinion on this, I removed the top of the vac pump and removed the vanes, no vanes = no vac, I also blanked the inlet to keep the dirt out, thinking you never know in the future I might just need it.
Some say it effects oil pressure, how true I have no idea, there are some o rings below the vac pump/in the top of the drive shaft/adaptor widget that are meant to effect oil pressure, well worth some reading, I did replace mine and the old ones were as hard as a rock.

Really transforms the car, dont believe the hype that they are to powerful etc, in std tune ie non messed with inj pump they are just right for the series.
Now the noise that is another story, either spend loads on sound proofing or just use cheap ear plugs, noises is worse in a hardtop with the windows closed, windows open much better, and better again in a ragtop.
Lots of different opinion on this, I removed the top of the vac pump and removed the vanes, no vanes = no vac, I also blanked the inlet to keep the dirt out, thinking you never know in the future I might just need it.
Some say it effects oil pressure, how true I have no idea, there are some o rings below the vac pump/in the top of the drive shaft/adaptor widget that are meant to effect oil pressure, well worth some reading, I did replace mine and the old ones were as hard as a rock.

Really transforms the car, dont believe the hype that they are to powerful etc, in std tune ie non messed with inj pump they are just right for the series.
Now the noise that is another story, either spend loads on sound proofing or just use cheap ear plugs, noises is worse in a hardtop with the windows closed, windows open much better, and better again in a ragtop.
Ok thanks, i have mine open but mite blank it as i always worry about carp getting in. My last tdi series had it blanked off.
Ok thanks, i have mine open but mite blank it as i always worry about carp getting in. My last tdi series had it blanked off.

Yes I think no cap could cause damage as the vac pump sucks into the crankcase.
Think mine is just a rubber hose and a cut down bolt, you can get nice silicone blanks off ebay etc.
Wonder if the turbo version is noisy.....heard others say its a noisy motor.
I didn't want a turbo series when I fitted my 200 it was without the turbo.

I am not me the 200di is quieter than my old 2.25d that I ran for 40 years.

I open the bonnet....and its still quite simple looking in there.
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Wonder if the turbo version is noisy.....heard others say its a noisy motor.
I didn't want a turbo series when I fitted my 200 it was without the turbo.

I am not me the 20di is quieter than my old 2.25d that I ran for 40 years.

I open the bonnet....and its still quite simple looking in there.
Yes i think if peeps are coming from a petrol series then a tdi / di will always be noisy but if coming from a diesel series then i think the tdi is slightly quieter but i've never had a 200di so can't coment on that :)
Yes i think if peeps are coming from a petrol series then a tdi / di will always be noisy but if coming from a diesel series then i think the tdi is slightly quieter but i've never had a 200di so can't coment on that :)

Rough rule of thumb is any direct injection diesel (tdi) is noisier than indirect injection diesel (2.0/2.25), 2.0 is unusual and was quite noisy for an id diesel as it had really high compression ratio.
When you get to 120mph it all goes real quiet!
If i still had the HRTC with the 3.54 diffs then i would have gone with that as it would just touch 100mph but with having the roof tent and boarding it out and carrying camping stuff and that i've now gone back to fully std gearing so std transfer box and 4.7-1diffs.
200tdi in a series ? (sic)

Are we sure? Each to his own I suppose but er... why? Rather you than me. Most have seen the error of their ways, and about now, along with V8s, are taking these back out?

Agreed, it's quick, cheap grunt, this'd be why back-in-the-day these had knuckle-dragger appeal. Thing is, we've all seen them, parked in range of Disneyland White plastic front-doors, snorkel, g*yplate on vertical panels, every sink-estate had at least one TDi Series, often several...

Only, it's unpleasant and defeats 'what-is' a Series. Like V8s we can watch 'em stack-up on eBay - it took 15 odd years, seems the penny finally drops.

You've got balls, I'll give you that.
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200tdi in a series ? (sic)

Are we sure? Each to his own I suppose but er... why? Rather you than me. Most have seen the error of their ways, and about now, along with V8s, are taking these back out?

Agreed, it's quick, cheap grunt, this'd be why back-in-the-day these had knuckle-dragger appeal. Thing is, we've all seen them, parked in range of Disneyland White plastic front-doors, snorkel, g*yplate on vertical panels, every sink-estate had at least one TDi Series, often several...

Only, it's unpleasant and defeats 'what-is' a Series. Like V8s we can watch 'em stack-up on eBay - it took 15 odd years, seems the penny finally drops.

You've got balls, I'll give you that.
One of the reasons I fitted my 200 as a DI to my 1975 88".....fitted without the turbo.

The engine looks quite in keeping under the bonnet and a nice std exhaust sys running from a 2.25d exhaust manifold.

Retained oil bath air filter and batt under bonnet.

All very practical for my situation.
Of course, if our typical 'run' is 10-15 mins driving, and that's about it, don't suppose it matters what we have in there. Noise for 15 mins might not be nice, yet do-able for most of us. I'll never understand those that have engine-choice based on economy, when they don't drive 'em. Like the crowd that buy a new car becauae it does 5mpg better, with £500 a month payments....

My petrol is a daily, not so much now yet pre-COVID i'd do 9000+ miles a year, Hence, gas-conversion. Can't be doing 9000 a year with a TDi. For me there's no pleasure in a TDi if you don't drive it, AND no point in a TDi if you do?

And anyone with one is set for a proper, proper kicking come sale time. Any saving goes right there.

But that's me.
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200tdi in a series ? (sic)

Are we sure? Each to his own I suppose but er... why? Rather you than me. Most have seen the error of their ways, and about now, along with V8s, are taking these back out?

Agreed, it's quick, cheap grunt, this'd be why back-in-the-day these had knuckle-dragger appeal. Thing is, we've all seen them, parked in range of Disneyland White plastic front-doors, snorkel, g*yplate on vertical panels, every sink-estate had at least one TDi Series, often several...

Only, it's unpleasant and defeats 'what-is' a Series. Like V8s we can watch 'em stack-up on eBay - it took 15 odd years, seems the penny finally drops.

You've got balls, I'll give you that.

Have you driven the 2.0 diesel?

Ps got a link to the plastic front doors:D

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