
New Member
i've got a disco 200tdi it has been run on red diesel (used offroad) for a short while and been standing a while (12000 miles in 4 years) could this be the cause for the engine smoking a puffs out black smoke when hard accelerating nothing on tickover starts first time without glow plugs without it hardly turning over is it anything to worry about as want to put enging in range rover classic thanks carl:eek:
fill it up with white diesel, take it fer a good run hand hammer it, this should blow the cobwebs away, also try changing the air filter ;)
red diesel is no different to normal, apart from the colour to identify the lower tax rating for use off road, agriculrure and plant etc
well said james, i have heard so many times that red derv makes em smoke but this is completely untrue, like you say, its normal derv with red dye in it. funy how tractors dont blow thick black smoke out ;)
They fill up at the refinary, guy goes along the top of the tanker, throws in a bit of dye into ones that need to be red, diesel now red, customs man checks them when they leave. Sorted... same diesel...
i have heard to get the red dye out of derv filter it through catscan or any cat litter does this work
heres an extract i found from an article on a merc web site.

Just a technical point here on the subject of red diesel.
There is a difference between it and Derv. Red diesel is actually dyed gas oil, whereas Derv is a more refined petroleum distillate. There is a difference both in the specific gravity and the calorific value of the two, making the Derv a more refined and cleaner product. Putting the legal issue aside here, Red will run ok in an engine, albeit a little more smokily and will probably do no long term damage other than dirty up the injectors quicker and possibly cause a little more carbon build up in the engine, as Red does not have the additives that your average " city diesel" at the forecourt has.

:eek: :cool:

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