this is a random rubbish picture I've found of the setup on my engine taken before the "fix" tonight.

From the outside, it is a "safari snorkel" and looks like a proper discovery one. Inside the engine bay, it sits further back and the previous owner has cut a hole in the further back in the inner wing to fit it. I'm not happy with all the couplers etc. I might have to change them all out or simplify with some sort of silicon pipe from turbo to that air box.

Also, as I mentioned, i had to take the rubber O ring off the new filter and even remove the metal plate from the screw cap end entirely off the filter just to fit it. This is far from ideal but has worked. The old filter was modified the same way to make it fit.

By the looks of google images a 300tdi air box is flat and not cylindrical. Can anyone confirm what is fitted to mine and what filter would fit it without modification to the filter?

EDIT - 2nd pic added


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Was going to say I would give you a hand but that's a bit of a trek from Liverpool lol

just a touch. I appreciate the thought though. :)

I was at the roundhill woods pay & play at the weekend with loads of other land rover guys but didn't ask anyone about it. I'll have to ask some of the guys at the next one if they can identify that air box and if they can take it for a drive and tell me if it's running as it should or underpowered etc.

It's probably fine now. I'm just going to tidy things up and do some more fixes. I don't know if it ever ends with landys :p It's already had many hours this week, changing the alternator, servicing, fitting bonnet pins and other little fixes!
It never ends mate, I have had 200's 300's discos and defenders and I don't bother putting my tool box away any more lol. Got a good 300 now that's still had its moments :) is your boot floor and rear arches ok?
It never ends mate, I have had 200's 300's discos and defenders and I don't bother putting my tool box away any more lol. Got a good 300 now that's still had its moments :) is your boot floor and rear arches ok?

I've got nine cars bud including a twin turbo rx7 and a Nissan skyline. That alone has forced me to become a fairly competent mechanic! I guess land rovers have been making mechanics out of ordinary men for years!

I do buy and sell cars and I checked mine over carefully, got under it etc. when I bought it but I still got caught out. The rear arches and boot floor are ok and have been plated in the past but I had to weld up sections of the front arches and repair two body mounts.

It's just so big and easy to work on compared to what i'm used to and has an odd lovable charm to it despite being rather old and tatty. Superb off road too so i've ended up hanging on to it for much longer than I thought I would considering its lack of use.
Looks like a defender 300tdi air filter to me

From some googling it seems to match a 200tdi discovery & defender air box as its not rounded like the 300tdi one. I just can't understand why it won't fit a standard filter in :confused:
This is my 17th landy and I always end up selling them then going straight out and buying another. I am a 4x4 instructor and we have used all kinds but always go back to landy. Can't beat em when there working. I have not long sold my evo because it started going wrong and was a pain to work on compared to a disco.
From some googling it seems to match a 200tdi discovery & defender air box as its not rounded like the 300tdi one. I just can't understand why it won't fit a standard filter in :confused:

Are you sure it's not the filter itself then, there is two different ones.
Looks very similar to a spare 300tdi one I've got. Can you take a pic of the filter?

I may have butchered it now to make it fit and the old one is the same :eek:

Air box looks like this but this type comes up whether you good 200tdi or 300tdi air intake -$T2eC16JHJIQE9qUHrWZ(BRk-OThoY!~~60_35.JPG

filter looked like this and was ordered from craddocks -

I had to hammer the metal air box lid off the old one but then i couldnt screw it on with the new filter in as the filter was too long.

Should the filter have come with the air box lid like this?
Defender 300tdi air box with a discovery 200tdi air filter possibly? Or visa versa
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Defender 300tdi air box with a discovery 200tdi air filter possibly? Or visa versa

I could be wrong but i think i've sussed it.

I think the air box is correct and it is 200tdi (defender or disco not sure it makes a difference) and the snorkel is 300tdi hence, the extra hole in the inner wing.

The filter on the other hand should have come with the "lid" like this

but mine looked like this at that end;

As such, I had to muller that silver cap off the filter in order to get the "lid" on. I've just been out and checked it with a torch and what seemed like the air box "lid" actually is stamped with MAHL....which is an air filter brand no :eek::eek::p

what a fail!
I must of meant incompetent mechanic earlier :eek::p

i'll get the correct one ordered this time just to make sure its seals properly and is the right fit. No point in having a snorkel if it lets any water in!

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