
New Member
hey guys

im new (ish) to discos, i had one last year for the bad weather and regrettably sold it! i used to do a lot of off road driving with my dad when i was younger im looking at some now although i have been looking at mainly manuals but have seen a few autos, what are your views on automatics for a bit of off roading and towing? (always usefull to have a 4x4 when ur friends get stuck in the snow as well)

thanks is advance
thank you for the welcome, i have been reading a few posts on this forum and u all seem very helpful unlike another forum im on with my civic type-r, :rolleyes: so really its presonnal preference and mayb autos are slightly better off road? they are more comfy to drive to be fair (as i am lazy when it comes to drving on our normal boring roads lol)


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