
Active Member
Evening all,

My defenders got a nasty rattle/ knocking noise, which is coming from the alternator. The pulley has got about a millimetre of play in it, and the alternator itself appears to be a bit loose, so possibly missing a bolt or something.

In order to have a better look at it, and potentially replace it, I need better access so having consulted the haynes manual it looks as though I need to;

-Drain cooling system
-Remove the top rad hose and intercooler hose
-Undo fan and remove it
-Remove fan cowling
-Remove air box.

Is that correct or is there an easier way?

Oh and I have a feeling my PAS pump is buggered. Is there a test for this? (While at a standstill with the engine running, there is a fair bit of play in the steering wheel maybe about 20 or 30 degrees, but there is no wine from the pump or anything and the steering is very wobbly above 40mph!)

Any help much appreciated.
It's not a very difficult job. Just get the fan and airbox out the way. I did mine with out draining anything.
No not a difficult job really did this myself the weekend before last mite be better removing the intercooler hoses aswell, in my case i found i had two pump bracket-timing case bolts missing due to the threads being stripped in one hole and the timing case damaged where the other bolt screwed into then i found a pump bracket-engine block bolt snapped aswell as the bolt that goes through the engine block from the other way into the pump bracket so all i could do for now was replace the engine block-pump bracket bolt and keep my eye on it till i can sort it properly, hope this helps :)
Best to chuck the fan and cowling in the bin, makes access to front of the engine a doddle.
Play in steering is not a pump issue, you have something worn
Not as easy on the defender version of the 200

What sort of turbo are you running?
I'm pretty sure the Haynes manual says to drain the coolant for everything. That's utter nonsense. It's a doddle removing the alternator and PAS pump, it can be done it a half hour or less. Nothing really needs to be moved out of the way, definitely not the fan, cowling or radiator hose. Access is easier with the top intercooler hose off though but this is only a case of two jubilee clips.
Hanyes manual is good but don't take it as gospel.

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