
New Member
Hi All

I'm a little confused, I own a TD4 which runs the BMW 2.0 diesel engine which approx. pumps out 205 g/km of carbon and under new rules will be taxed at £300 for 2009. The 2.0D BMW X3, which I assume runs the same engine only produces 172 to 178 g/km and thus will only be charged at £205 for 2009. How come the same engines produce such a varied CO2 emissions when performance is similar.

And don't get me started on the complete Bo?*ocks way the gov. are going about this - afteral if I own a Smart car producing 113g/km it would cost £30 in 2009 but does not take into account I may do 60k a year (6'780'000 g of CO2) in a Smart Car whereas the owner of a powerful car may do only 5k ayear (1'025'000) - and calling cars 'Gas Guzzlers' is total Cr?p prior to owning my TD4 I had a 1.6 petrol 206, small four door, and I now get 10miles per gallon better fuel economy than the 1.6 - and also I have 3 children 5yrs, 3yrs, 1yrs - have you ever tried to get three children - with car seats (the law) into the back of a small four door - You'd be better than David Blain if you could - rant over !!!
what year is your TD4, i have no idea how much mine puts out

i have a TD4 2.0 51 reg and im trying to find out which tax bracket i will be in
Mine is an04 model on a 53 plate - new tax proposals effct cars from 2001 - not sure if thats reg. date or manufacture date (most likely registration date).
The changes apply to vehicles registered on or after 1 March 2001, when the graduated road tax was brought in - I think that's Y-reg onwards.

Yes, your TD4 will be in the £300 bracket from next year.

Yes, higher road tax for less fuel efficient vehicles is pointless as we already pay more tax through the extra fuel we use.

But look at it this way - the £100 increase is less than two fills of diesel :eek:

The Government has found an idea excuse in the form of the "green" arguement to bring in new or higher taxes and claim that it's for our own benefit. :mad:

Oh, and as for the argument that we should sell or scrap our 4x4s and buy small cars, the majority of a car's "pollution" is generated when it's built - the mining, refining, smelting etc. of the iron ore to make the body, the generation of the electricity used to power the robots, the methane emitted by the cows that make the seat covers...
China builds two coal fired power stations a week.Each one emitting the equivalent CO2 of 2 million cars.
The fires that are burning out of control in the mines of China alone produce more CO2 than every car and light truck in the United States.

The green lobby is a sham...merely a religious doctrine that everyone has to sign up to and pretend to be green. You unplugging your TV screen or changing your car engine makes absolutely no difference.

Ethanol ?..if we planted crops on every square inch of the UK we would not produce enough to run our countries car population. Obviously we would also starve to death too.

its all an absolute load of bollox.
I too have just got caught out with this & because I've recently bought the TD4 Auto, it's even worse, I'll be £430 per year from 2010 & only found out six days after buying my car. Like thousands of others, I didn't realise the greedy government had backdated to 2001, I even checked the official DVLA website before buying & it hadn't at that time published the new rates. To say I'm fizzing is a complete understatement as I took out a loan & comitted myself for three years to this car which I otherwise love. p.s Parker have a great website where you select your model & it calculates the new VED for you. My advice, get wth an X plate TD4.........if only I knew........

Road tax - Parker's
My 1.8 freelander is £415 a year a 1.8 for christ sake.gordon brown is a first class tit and should be hung with the other labour knobs.
My 1.8 freelander is £415 a year a 1.8 for christ sake.gordon brown is a first class tit and should be hung with the other labour knobs.
Can I just point out that although my name is Gordon Brown (yes, really), I have nothing to do the government...!


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