
New Member
Now had one of these new ones since 3rd June and have done 6,500 miles.
Have had a slight problem with the immobiliser which seems to have a mind of its own now and again by not letting the engine start.
Locking and unlocking again resolves it.
The only other point that ticks me off is the speed limiter, the local agent cannot give a satisfactory answer why Landrover have introduced it!
It wont be for engine protection 'cos at 84mph in 6th gear its only doing 2700 revs,
nor can it be designed to save the Planet 'cos you can achieve the same speed in 5th gear but at 4000 revs! All that extra CO2!
This makes it slower than my old TD5.
Apart from that, Brilliant! smooth, quiet, plenty of potential.
Anybody got any ideas how to get around it without invalidating the warranty?

i dont think there are any it will be eletronic at a guess so unless u have 1 of the special computer thingys then no, its probly been brought in to stop people killing them selfs they dont exacly handle at 85mph

btw ur immobiliser probly reactives its self after a set time of the veichle being open but the engine not being started i got a toad cat 1 alarm in my toyota hiace van and that does the same, u tryed just pressing unlock again instead of locking it first?

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