With leggy miles L322s I always think you might as well buy a spares or repair with a knackered gearbox that someone else has run out of money on. Like P38s the supposedly 'together' examples that command a premium all tend to get some of the usual issues six months down the line in any case.
At 124k , I wouldnt think of it as 'leggy miles'. The TD6 is 12 -16 yrs old. 124k is a tad over10k per year at worst.
If looked after properly, bigger job -wise , there should only have been the manufacturer screw ups, to have dealt with, namely, the gearbox and the brake pipes. If those have been dealt with by previous owner, then its just 'normal' tempermental L322 issues. Anything else ( other than L322 tempermental electrics) is down to previous owner/s not maintaining the vehicle properly or screw ups by garages/mechanics.
You need to return it to the seller for a full refund and pursue it through small claims if they wont pay up.
If he is a trader he is liable.
Speaking from experience, I bought a car from a sole trader a few years back that turned out to be a bag of nails (not a Range Rover, a Peugeot) I contacted him and he said I must of been driving it badly and all the other excuses and that he wasn’t liable whatsoever.
I contacted CAB and they told me as long as he was a registered trader then I had 1 months warranty for major mechanical issues like engine or gearbox regardless of what was stated on the paperwork even if it said sold as seen or trade sale.
They advised me to write him a letter stating the details and that I was requesting a full refund or for the garage bill to be paid by him, also stating that this was notice giving him 7 days to act before court preceding a were taken against him personally and also his company.
Long story short I got my money back in cash within 3 days
Thought engine and gearbox was 6 months but CAB will confirm.

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