
New Member
Hi all

I recently got a 2006 4.2 SC FFRR and love it. the most comfortable car i've ever driven (got partly due to bad back). Everything works, touch wood, except (1) the bluetooth module; and (2) sound from the RSE headsets (and as of an hour ago while fiddling with (1) & (2); (3) the DVD is not playing or ejecting...). I'll keep this post to the bluetooth issue for simplicity. Please bear in mind i have literally zero electrical/mechanical/practical skills or experience. Yep, i'm one of those.....

I have had a look on the forum/web generally and done my best to investigate/identify possible issues. Key points are:

1. The bluetooth is not working ("Phone not fitted" appears on the touchscreen). Everything else (touchscreen, satnav, audio, RSE controls etc.) is working.
2. I have rooted around in the rear lefthand side of the boot. It is very dry and no signs of corrosion, but the bluetooth module MOST cable has been taken out (I assume because it was not working properly - and given all the other units are working i also assume the MOST ring has been joined up with it bypassed somehow).
3. I found a loose MOST cable, with no flashing red light, but figured I'd give it a go and connect it to the bluetooth module. no joy. Whatever it was connected to did have a red flashing light, so I have ordered a MOST extension cable to see if i can plug that into the bluetooth module, but am not sure that is where it is supposed to be plugged into (see next point)....
4. ....I saw on here/another forum a diagram for the MOST ring and various photos of all the units, and am trying to work out how to try and reconnect the bluetooth module - ie which other units to connect it to. The diagram suggested it should be between the SDARS radio receiver and the TV tuner. i've tried my best to identify the various units in there from the photos i have seen, but cannot tell if there is a SDARS unit in there (is that an american item only? if it is, the bluetooth unit would then sit between the DVD changer and TV tuner). i've attached a photo of what's in there. It looks like one part of the loose MOST cable (pic 1 green arrow) is connected to the TV tuner, the other disappears out of sight to no idea where (pic 2 green arrow).

so my question is, based on the above/attached, how should i go about identifying which MOST cables to plug into the bluetooth unit?? I am ill-equipped and very wary of ripping out trim/panels and following wires around the car. I am hoping whatever needs to be done can be done in that boot area....

i have already bought a replacement bluetooth module from a 2009 RRS as suggested by a chap either on here or elsewhere (adrian wiggins) who used to do a swap, but has since stopped doing it. i figure once i have worked out how to reconnect the bluetooth module i will just try and stick that one in as they are supposed to be a lot better (though even getting the right wires to connect the pins between the bluetooth units is proving beyond me....).

Sorry if anything is unclear, please let me know and i will do my best to clarify....

Thanks in advance for any assistance!



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SDARS is not UK, where are you?
Bluetooth module failure is not uncommon, even without water ingress, the later (Ford) L320/L319 modules are compatible with minor wiring changes and offer far better call quality.
Thanks - am in UK, so maybe I was looking at a US MOST diagram, and maybe the SDARS is not in the pic I shared.
If it says 'phone not fitted' on the screen and nothing else, that's an indicator that the bluetooth module is either bypassed or has an internal defect but is still passing MOST data.
The fibre optics in your photo look like someone has been swapping the fibres around in the connectors as both free plugs appear to have one long & one short fibre, you need to restore the plugs (after you have a MOST bypass loop) and reconnect them to determine which modules are working or not.
Did you just connect the MOST connector or did you plug the big plug in as well?
Also you mention a red flashing light, is that on the disconnected fibre? in which case I would expect issues with other modules on the ring.

If it says 'phone not fitted' on the screen and nothing else, that's an indicator that the bluetooth module is either bypassed or has an internal defect but is still passing MOST data.
Mine says phone not fitted until I pair with the bluetooth module. I can pair with it and make calls but I have no sound so I don't use it.
I assumed it just meant the handset wasn't connected/paired. And as the OP's module isn't connected there is no power to it so bluetooth connection is not there.
Not just the bluetooth but the logical connection to the IHU - the expected MOST handshake will be missing.
Most likely one error message was coded to the IHU for simplicity.
Absolutely. I also suspect that even with power and no MOST the phone would still see the module even though the car does not know it.
Did you just connect the MOST connector or did you plug the big plug in as well?
Also you mention a red flashing light, is that on the disconnected fibre? in which case I would expect issues with other modules on the ring.

View attachment 322103
Thanks - I had connected both, but will try again when the cable i have ordered arrives today.

Yes flashing light is on the disconnected MOST cable, but all other modules appear to be working correctly?

if the MOST ring diagram i was looking at was in fact American (as it had the SDARS unit in it), i think the bluetooth module should sit between the DVD changer and TV tuner. i can get to the TV tuner, but i can't see where the MOST cables go in/out of the DVD changer.
This is a bit strange. I doubt LR would have used an extension piece for the fibre so the standard lead should reach unless they have been connected in the wrong order. And if you have a light in the disconnected fibre there is a break in the ring which should bring it all down.
Just tried with new cable. still no bluetooth and took out all the tv/dvd/cd units.....

assuming the bluetooth module is knackered, i don't know how i will work out how to connect a new one. not fatal, but ideally would like all the bits n pieces working.
I think the RRS module only needs power and MOST connection. If you get a fibre loop back plug and connect it to the fibre that you are playing with it will prove if the bluetooth module is crashing the MOST bus.
Thanks for your efforts! it doesn't look like the bluetooth module is currently crashing anything.

this is no doubt a long-shot, but does anyone know of anywhere that still works on these cars. I am in NW London but willing to travel a bit if there is somewhere decent. my local indy does not do electrics...

Thanks all.
You said it crashed a few things when you reconneted it so assumed it could be faulty?
Obviously it won't crash anything if disconnected.

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