
New Member
Hello to you all, I'm coming cap in hand to ask for some guidance as I can't seem to find the information / photos / diagram I need. I sprung a leak on my 2006 Land Rover Freelander Freestyles fuel pump under the wheel arch on Monday, so I checked on here and found some useful information and a couple of photos of what to expect when I delved in. And they were very helpful. I managed to remove the assembly with little fuss and strip the filter and pump from it's housing ready for replacing with the new ones. The only casualties have been the earth strap and one bolt I rounded the head on, so all is good there. I now have the filter and new pump and have begun re-assembly, the two photos I have helped me to put the pump and filter in their housing in what I believe is the correct way, but I can't see clearly from the photos which pipe goes where. I have slipped up in not colour coding or photoing as I was stripping, I was well soaked in diesel at the time and just wanted to get done. Can anyone point me to a specific thread, or describe in detail where each attaches? It looked easy and not much to it so I thought I would remember:eek:
I'm going to put it back together and hopefully get it running tomorrow.
Hi DC - You maybe wondering why your post has had nearly 50 views but no replies?

Well there is a certain way of doing things on this site - Say Hello in the "Introduce yourself" section first. Looks like you've had a search so best now to re-post in the dedicated Freelander section.

Bare with any gay, petrol/matches and doors falling off comments from the "big boys" (they mean well ):rolleyes:
Ahh yes, sorry to all, should have said hello first. I've been rather stressed on the car being off the road at a very in opportune moment, not as there is a good time for a breakdown, only I took our Daughter and family to Great Yarmouth last week and was due to pick them up this weekend. Not really an excuse for bad etiquette. I've managed to sort an alternative way out for them getting back so a little pressure off now. My brother in law is coming over later today to help with it as I am not in the best of health at the moment. So I don't now have much time left for getting the info in time. We will have a play with it and hopefully get it right. Thanks anyway and I promise when I have more time available I will introduce myself properly, it wasn't my intention to be rude or offensive in any way
Just trying to help and you were not rude or offensive at all, it's just that newbies can often get passed over and when you need an urgent answer, posting in the correct section can bring quicker answers. Good luck with the repair.
When you have time, please post the results of your fix as it's always useful to see others solutions.
I had a leaking filter last year which when examined had "pepper-pot" like corrosion holes in the middle of the body. It had been in 18 months. Won't use a Mahle branded unit again!
Dave, try doing a search for the RAVE manual on the site. It's a downloadable file that essentially the workshop book for the car.
Thanks for that skynet much appreciated. I've finished the job now and I'm up and running. I'm afraid I didn't get any in progress photos done, my camera is broken and my new iPad Air in its nice new leather case didn't want to get gobbed up with grease and diesel. It would have been nice to get a full photo blow by blow pictorial done but when I was under the car it was the last thing on my mind. If I have to go back in again I will endeavour to compile one. Must say in hind site I would have changed two aspects of the finished job. Number one is. "And I know it's been mentioned in previous threads on the same subject" I would remove the rear wheel and plastic covers in the wheel arch it would have saved a lot of fumbling and struggling with top conector pipes, and secondly but equal in importance is, I wish now I had paid the extra for the genuine pump, the one I got was off eBay and came delivered with the filter for £60 it's much noisier than the genuine one it replaced, it's not a nasty noise just pump hum but way louder, looking on previous threads it seems to follow a pattern with the cheaper pumps being that way. I suspect but of course I don't know for sure that it won't last as long either but that's a guess. If I can help anyone on this job having only just done it I will do just pm me if that's the best way to catch my attention. I don't always come on the computer it depends on the day so it may take a little while to get back on it but I will when I'm on. Oh and hello again to everyone

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