Hello All.

Well I had a day yesterday.......

Fitted a new FSR in the morning.

Halfords fitted a new battery in the afternoon (I was so frightened by what I read on here I let them take the risk).

Then driving back from Halfords I smelled THAT smell! I knew what was happening immediately so pulled over - and of course the smell went away. I let her idle for a bit and all seemed well and the smell stopped. I pulled away and went on my way - the smell came back - BADLY! I got to somewhere safe in just a few metres but it was too late - smoke was coming out of the vents!

I got the key out but white smoke turned to black and that was that.

Thanks to the efforts of the Darlington Fire Brigade (thanks chaps and chapesses) the car was not engulfed BUT the whole area round the FSR was melted as was the dash, window cracked, headlining gone so the car is a total loss.

SO - I am calling on your sage advice / thoughts / feelings. What do 'we' think was the cause??? I have NOW read about aftermarket FSRs - this one was a Smartsense FSR. Did I sign my own car's death warrant?

Over to you.....
Personally i would of stopped and shut the car off when i first smelt the burning..

But each to their own..
Sorry for your loss.
Presumably your insurer will not balk at paying out and seek to dodge out from under?
One of the causes of FSR overheating is an old blocked pollen filter........when was yours last changed ?
So yer saying the resister got too hot and burnt the car?

Is the resister air cooled by the air before it's pumped out the vents?

Pic's of the damage?
Final Stage Resistor - governs the interior fan regulation

I did some googling and it turns out that LR recommend replacement of pollen filters in the service schedule, a not so insignificant job but should have been done when your FSR was replaced, question is now, what make/brand/model was the new one and was it fitted by a competent person in a specialist garage where you will have some recompence for the destruction of your vehicle?

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