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Just want to make sure I'm not missing something obvious here but does the ENTIRE dashboard have to come out in order to get the wheel boxes out?

The threads on wipers I have managed to find make it seem pretty easy but I'm getting increasingly frustrated by what I thought was going to be a simple task.

One complication is that the passenger side wheel box is completely seized and I can't withdraw the cable, even with the back of the wheel box removed.

I have managed to get enough access to cut the cable with a junior hacksaw on the motor side but this hasn't really helped.

Any tips?
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Wiper boxes now out and I only had to remove about 75% of the dashboard.

Just waiting for my nice shiny new boxes and cable to arrive now...
Yeah its a bugger of a job! Did mine last week same problem as you say nearly all of the dash out and you still end up forcing them out.

Make sure you stick plenty of grease on the cable and wheelboxes and the crank gear on the wiper motor the last thing you want to do is undo it all again in a few months time.

Another tip is whilst you have the motor off. you will notice a screw at the top of the motor with a locking nut round it. if you slacken the nut off you can turn the screw with a screw driver and this will take up any free play between the motor crank gear and the drive thread.

I did this on mine and now the wipers are perfect and noiseless.

Dont over do it though or you will turn your wipers on and the motor wont even turn

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