No. Take off covers to coils and look at it in the dark. If it's arcing you will see it
Could be a cracked exhaust manifold or tappet a tap tap tappin
No. Take off covers to coils and look at it in the dark. If it's arcing you will see it
Could be a cracked exhaust manifold or tappet a tap tap tappin
I think he means the ignition barrel is clicking?
I know they do get sticky and clean out with electrical contact cleaner and a dose of graphite powder seems to be the fix
The ignition where i put the key to start the makes clicking sounds for about 5 seconds then stops.
The clicking is the solenoid for the steering lock.

The ignition barrel has an induction coil surrounding it, the key has a tiny little passive transmitter inside, when it is brought close to the ignition barrel, the EWS (immobiliser) system reads the frequency and code from the tiny transmitter and checks to make sure it is the right one. If the codes match, the immobiliser is disarmed and the steering lock disengages.

Now, if after 60 seconds from unlocking the door, you don't place the key in the ignition barrel, the system powers down the induction coil and as such won't continue to sense the presence of the key. To re-energise the induction coil, you have to put the key in the barrel and turn it about 20 degrees then back to the start again, the induction coil is then powered up again, checks the key and if correct, unlocks the steering lock and allows the car to start.
Yeah, er, wot he said:eek:
Don't remember mine clicking upon opening the door, mind you, I was incredibly drunk back then (JOKE), hic!:eek: ;)

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