Hi back again
I have tried to find out the problem with the Hawkeyes reader and it has come up with this.
Dtc 8a
No message from ride control ehc control unit.
Also dtc 100
Fault sporadic
Fault currently present
On the dash it says inactive air suspension
I have had the alignment done, changed a faulty rear height sensor, maybe you have to do both? Once reset allows you to drive a little bit then on again.
Is there a fuse to change a unit or something? Can some one give advise if they have had the same problem.
PLEASE! I'm loosing my insainity.
Many thanks

I'm new to the Hawkeye how do I look at the ecu air suspension when I go in to to the main suspension bit it comes up with the dtc 100 articulation validity sporadic fault currently present.
Has the steering angle sensor been recalibrated since wheel alingnment done ? Had this with mine when it was out, clear fault drive a while and air suspension inactive pop up.
When you say alignment , as in tracking / 4 wheel alignment ?
I’m not familiar with the Hawkeye but I say you need to recalibrate the suspension heights if you have fitted a new height sensor, does the Hawkeye have the ability to recalibrate suspension ?
The front sensors can be fitted with the elbow facing the wrong way but not sure if the rear is the same
Has the steering angle sensor been recalibrated since wheel alingnment done ? Had this with mine when it was out, clear fault drive a while and air suspension inactive pop up.
No not that I know can I do this or is it a garage job.
When you say alignment , as in tracking / 4 wheel alignment ?
I’m not familiar with the Hawkeye but I say you need to recalibrate the suspension heights if you have fitted a new height sensor, does the Hawkeye have the ability to recalibrate suspension ?
The front sensors can be fitted with the elbow facing the wrong way but not sure if the rear is the same
I will have to look into it don't know if it will? The rear would break if the wrong way on the back would stress the mechanics of it I would think.
When you say alignment , as in tracking / 4 wheel alignment ?
I’m not familiar with the Hawkeye but I say you need to recalibrate the suspension heights if you have fitted a new height sensor, does the Hawkeye have the ability to recalibrate suspension ?
The front sensors can be fitted with the elbow facing the wrong way but not sure if the rear is the same
Sorry yes 4 wheel alignment done.
Can I do this or is it a garage job?
It can be done with the right diagnostics. I believe the RSW Solutions software does the job and also the kit from Blackbox, don't know about any or the others.
I'm sure there is a write up somewhere possibly by Saint V8.
There is something from saint somewhere with all the measurements.

Having a quick look I don't believe hawkeye will, you could have a search about icarsoft which is good for the money but not sure regarding EAS calibration.

This is Storey Wilson who makes the Allcomms.

GAP IID tool is a good but more expensive alternative, the Faultmate as @Datatek says is excellent will work but expensive to buy new. If you went down the allcomms route it wont work past 2005 if you upgrade later but GAP will

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