
Well-Known Member
Truck has been standing awhile, took it out today started fine driving round town perfect good throttle response turned onto trunk road N340 hard exceleration in third clouds of black unburnt fuel clearing as revs increased, back into built up area no smoke performs perfectly.
Back home check turbo pipes one a little soft but not unduly, go back out Truck fine untill joining autopista hit the go pedal in fourth clouds of black smoke reducing as revs climb.
Now I dont have a code reader anymore as my Garage/ store was broken into. does this sound like turbo actuator to any body else but me, anything else I can check or try with out reader.
does this sound like turbo actuator

in theory .. the maf sensor should give the ecu info about air-flow
and the ecu calculates how much fuel to inject using that and other info
so if the turbo vanes were stuck .. 'x' amount of air would flow past the maf sensor
( given that the maf sensor is ok )
if turbos boost be weak .. then less fuel would be injected .. i.e. lower power
if turbo boost is over strong .. then at some point power would be cut by the ecu to prevent damage ..
but i reckon .. throughout the airflow range .. an 'ok' maf would keep the air-fuel mix in proper proportions

( i've no 1st hand experience of a turbo actuator sticking / not working
( and don't remember what was written about symptoms on this forum for the same ..

according to :
Maf sensor problems.
regarding maf sensor failures ..
"In about 25% of cases, the signal becomes elevated above normal and this will overfuel the engine at low rpm. Because this doesn't result in poor performance, it is all too easy to assume the maf is working okay. Very poor mpg, exhaust smoke, exhaust reeking of diesel when idling are tell tales of an overfuelling maf."

a leaking intercooler hose will produce black exhaust smoke
'cause the turbo induced air-flow has already passed the maf sensor
giving a strong signal allowing more fuel to be injected ..
but .. the post-turbo air leak will cause the mix to be over rich .. giving black smoke .. maybe at higher revs .. the turbo boost overcomes the possibly small intercooler air leak .. and puts the mixture back to almost normal .. giving less black smoke ..


( two other sensors that effect how much fuel is injected .. be the engine-coolant-temp and air-intake-temp sensors
( the latter being incorporated in the maf sensor on earlier td4 hippo's .. and separate on the intercooler hose assembly on later td4's ..
link to air-intake-temp sensor issue ..
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