I had this on my holidays too a few weeks back Saint. Diagnosed weak viscous as it wasn't kicking in at all despite way overheat (115deg). Any how after loosing the car for a couple of days whilst the garage sourced and fitted a new viscous, it was back with me and overheating again within 5 miles. Much head scratching and a feel of the bottom of the rad revealed it was stone cold. Both electronic and mechanical side of the thermostat had given up. Ironic as Id replaced both it and the pump the month before so I didn't have any issues on holiday ! Luckily the garage that did the work on the fan helped me out by popping the innards out of the stat for the price of a good beer and I was on my way again. Back at home I tested the stat on the bench and almost had it red hot before it opened, it was well and truly fecked.
May be worth noting anyone finding this thread that these engines run hot at 105 deg so any weakness in the cooling system shows up quickly.

After fitting a new stat I monitored the temp real close for a few day - running about 104 to 107 deg with mixed driving is normal which ties in with the 105 deg stats.

So true, 105 is so close to the overheat temps of 120+

Search for a thread by a member called Fisha on fullfatrr.com - Index he details a mod to fit an 88deg stat...he used my old one as a pattern.....I think I may follow his footsteps.

Yes, the M62 is designed to run at 105 for efficency reasons, but I am considering lowering the running temp just to give that margin!!

But first I will read up A LOT about how rhe M62 runs and why it is set to 105 in the first place.
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Maybe worth noting that running back from devon with no stat, she ran about 80 deg fluctuating about 5 deg depending on load.

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