
New Member
Hi All. Anyone here ever seen this problem.

Driving along in my Freelander, sometimes it seems when i am turning to the left or the right, I hear a knocking noise coming from the back. Almost like u ran over a rock, without the vibrations.

Towards the back of the car, where the drive shaft splits into rear right and left wheels, there is a like a gear box, and i notice, what looks like a dried up oil leak, but no oil on the ground. maybe thats not related, but i said id stick it in here anyway.

Anyone any ideas what it could be.
Towards the back of the car, where the drive shaft splits into rear right and left wheels, there is a like a gear box, and i notice, what looks like a dried up oil leak, but no oil on the ground.

as a priority, i'd be checking the oil level in the rear diff. maybe there's no fresh oil on the ground because there is no oil in it to leak out anymore...
interesting ,. is there a dip stick to check the oil in rear diff or, is there a bolt to un screw and visuall check it.
interesting ,. is there a dip stick to check the oil in rear diff or, is there a bolt to un screw and visuall check it.
nope just one bolt . . .top up till it comes outa hole [fiddly job ] needs to be level ground [use correct stuff] :) :) :) oh un dunt git the doors wet

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