
hi, I'm thinking of swapping my 300tdi 90 for a 2001 td5 with 99k on the clock, i'm a bit worried though because i have heard that the early td5's had problems :S can anyone help ? it may be that it is just a one of vehicle that has had a problem however the reason i'm getting rid of the 300 is that it never seems to work and i don't want the hole problem all over again with a different truck thanks
yeah thats what i thought just wanted to check there wasn't any major problem :) my current truck is a 1995 defender 90 county hard top, but the chassis has crumbled and it has some hidden electrical problem somewhere so i'm getting a bit ****ed with having to use a bus because it wont work in the morning !!!:mad:
They changed from plastic engine dowels to metal circa 2000 model year, that's one possible problem solved.

I wouldn't worry if it's a good 'en to be honest. They have their faults, but so do many more engines from many other manufacturers. I consider the 2000> TD5 engines to be good, solid, and with tuning very capable units.

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