

My TD5 simple looses all possible acceleration/power when driving.

It is not totally crippling and only happens at a certain amount of rev's I think.

When the engine is static/just starting/low speeds, the turbo spools and the landy pulls well. However in 3rd 4th and 5th when accelerating there is a blatently obvious stop in acceleration and the engine does not recover the ability to spool the turbo or accelerate.

4th gear is about 45-50mph and it stops and 5th is 55-60mph. Full tilt the thing is only capable of 65mph down hill.

I checked the hoses and can't see any obvious leaks, there is evidince of a ever so slight oil leak out of the lower oil pipe to the turbo (is it return or feed?)

Pretty stumped, I can tighten bolts and rip of rusty bits but whizzy bits and electronics confuse me :doh:. Please help...

Hi, thanks for the response, yeah air filter is spotless and fuel filter has been replaced since the fault established. It will rev freely without load till it is screaching.

Pretty sure it is the turbo that is stopping. Is there any boost lines or settings for it? Or anything else like this?
I'm kinda glad this question has come up. I was looking my enjun over the other day after an oil change etc. and I noticed that (what I think is) the turbo wastegate's linkages. Nothing moves at all by hand with the engine off, I mean absolutely no free play or movement at all. I suspect my wastegate might be seized.

Should there be any movement in the linkage?
Am I correct in believing that there is some sort of flap inside the manifold?
Is it possible to save it's life, or do I need to replace this bit of manifold?

I haven't done a search for this yet, but was about to do so when I noticed this thread.

Oh, and the only symptoms I can see is when I rev very high in gear I get a bit of a mis-fire, which sounds like over-boost?
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I'll have a look at the wastegate.

Is over boost when the turbo max's out to early?

Overboost is when the turbo pressure gets too high so the vehicle goes into limp mode and reduces the power to protect the engine.

I'm kinda glad this question has come up. I was looking my enjun over the other day after an oil change etc. and I noticed that (what I think is) the turbo wastegate's linkages. Nothing moves at all by hand with the engine off, I mean absolutely no free play or movement at all. I suspect my wastegate might be seized.

Should there be any movement in the linkage?
Am I correct in believing that there is some sort of flap inside the manifold?
Is it possible to save it's life, or do I need to replace this bit of manifold?

I haven't done a search for this yet, but was about to do so when I noticed this thread.

Oh, and the only symptoms I can see is when I rev very high in gear I get a bit of a mis-fire, which sounds like over-boost?

Nothing should move 'easily' with the engine off. If you grip the wastegate rod with a pair of mole grips you shoul be able to push the rod forwards. It will take a fair bit of pushing though. If you lube the actuator up and work the rod back and fourth it should free up.

When static and revving the vehicle you won't see the rod move.
Hi Ratty,

Yep, I had a good hunt around other threads on the subject and came to that conclusion. I'm fairly convinced that my wastegate is seized and will be investigating it further during the coming week. I would have expected, at the very least, a minimum of movement in the linkage (engine off) but there is absolutely nothing, no free play, no movement at all, which had me thinking there might be a problem. However, having read so many threads on the subject this seems to be normal.

I've never had any experience with turbos in the past, so I will follow some of the things I've read and look into it further. First check will be to remove the pipe and check that it spins freely by hand, then check for spinning with engine running (tickover,) and see if it spins up on revving engine. Next will be a thorough examination of all the hoses. Then I'll dis-connect the link form the rod and see if I can move the rod for the flap at all, then see if the actuator thingie moves in and out by hand pressure with reasonable force, I know not to twist it as this can damage the diaphram.

At this point I should say, I don't have any "lack of power" issues but I cannot say for sure if my turbo is working well or not, I've never noticed it "kicking in" or out, so I will be looking into fitting a boost gauge in the very near future. The only reason I suspect overboost is because of the mis-fire (or stutter) at very high revs in any gear, mostly noticeable in fourth or fifth gear, I seldom rev high in any gear, and my top speed doesn't seem to be a problem. She will come up to 70-ish quite easily before the mis-fire shows up.

Fuel and air filters are all ok, recently replaced by new genuine LR ones, but I've never checked the in-line mesh filter in the fuel filter head which I have seen mentioned a few times. FPR regulator was recently replaced as have the injector seals

She goes for an MOT in the morning at 1000hrs., this is her first since I bought her about nine months ago and it will give me about 5 or 6 weeks to get everything done before the current MOT expires. I'm fairly opimistic that she won't fail on anything too serious or major, but I don't expect a pass. I know I have a cracked reflector on the back and the rear fog light doesn't work but they weren't priorities for me, I have noticed some grease/oil on the swivels but I'm not sure if that's a failure or not, I could wipe it off, but would rather know if something is amiss. I've deliberately got it booked into a strict garage (as I like to do with any vehicle for it's first MOT with me.) So here's hoping.

My MOT results (and repairs) will be the subject of a new thread which I will start when I get back in the morning.

Thanks for your input above.
well mine definitly sounds like over boost, when you turn it off and back on again the problem goes away. If you take it canny on acceleration it tends not to cause to many problems. And on acceleration (at least initially) it pulls better than any td5 rover I'd ever seen!
well mine definitly sounds like over boost, when you turn it off and back on again the problem goes away. If you take it canny on acceleration it tends not to cause to many problems. And on acceleration (at least initially) it pulls better than any td5 rover I'd ever seen!

Likewise, I get no problems at all until the revs are high which makes me think it sounds like my wastegate might be stuck shut.
SORTED!!!!!! :D

Thanks for all the replies. The wastegate was seized. Simply disconnected the push rod from the diaphragm then using mole grips and a bit of penetrating fluid worked the valve till it easily turned. Took about a minute...

SORTED!!!!!! :D

Thanks for all the replies. The wastegate was seized. Simply disconnected the push rod from the diaphragm then using mole grips and a bit of penetrating fluid worked the valve till it easily turned. Took about a minute...


Great news, I will be looking into mine during a week of spending time working on various bits and bobs.
SORTED!!!!!! :D

Thanks for all the replies. The wastegate was seized. Simply disconnected the push rod from the diaphragm then using mole grips and a bit of penetrating fluid worked the valve till it easily turned. Took about a minute...


nice one.:)

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