Does anyone know if there is a thermal switch in the seat back?

I have looked through Rave an can only find reference to the heating element in the seat cushion.

I ask because since I got my seat back heating going yesterday, I thought I'd try it out on my journey today. Yes it worked, but blimey! it got so hot that I thought it was going to set fire to the seat!! A horrible melting smell started as well.

I've checked the seat an all seems ok. But if there is no thermal switch in seat back, because it is only in the seat cushion and you have bypassed the broken seat cushion heating pad, then beware!, there is nothing to stop the seat back getting hotter and hotter and hotter.

Any know?
There is only the single thermostat in the seat base, this controls the back as well, so if you bypass the seat base and connect power to the squab only you risk bursting into flames! The heating circuit will be totally uncontrolled.
I did that and burnt out the seat back element. Then had to replace both, which I have now done. FYI the back element is more expensive than the seat element, however is it easier to replace.
...hello again...Rick the Pick stopped me crying..the beastie lives again....hurrah so we're back on to the heated seats! So did we get anywhere sorted for the love in...would love to get this jobby seat factory here we come......
Well I'm in if you do set you a time and a place, neither of my seats work and i would really like to have some guidance on it when attempting to pull my seats apart.
Hi Poochyricko,
I’ve re-trimmed my seat squab cover last weekend and taken a lot of pictures.
If you can wait a few days I will post an how to do guide during holidays. Not an hard job to do. A little bit time consuming.
I finally have finished my squab cover renew guide. If someone is interested just PM me. I’ll try to publish it on a website one day but I’m not so far yet.
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I finally have finished my squab cover renew guide. If someone is interested just PM me. I’ll try to publish it on a website on day but I’m not so far yet.

You could be the very first one to post in the "How to" section...
I did a how to, for the roof lining and the panel's as well, tbh I thought is was good enough, but no one put in in there, just wasted my time doing it
Can't you post a new thread in the How To and copy your info from here? It doesn't look locked?
I finally have finished my squab cover renew guide. If someone is interested just PM me. I’ll try to publish it on a website one day but I’m not so far yet.

You could be the very first one to post in the "How to" section...

I did a how to, for the roof lining and the panel's as well, tbh I thought is was good enough, but no one put in in there, just wasted my time doing it

Can't you post a new thread in the How To and copy your info from here? It doesn't look locked?

Yer sposed to ask a Mod to move it for approval and if it passes muster they bung it in

If you go onto there is a thread on how to fix your heated seat. I followed it an I now have a working heated seat.

Took me about 2 hours and cost me nothing.

It just takes a bit of time and patience.

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