I'm new to Land Rovers and forums too! A rather large addition to the family (American Bulldog) and a move to the countryside necessitated a requirement for a large booted, solid, reliable vehicle.
So far, I am enjoying looking like a grease monkey during every available hour I am not at work! Fixes within the first 2 weeks of ownership include a faulty ignition switch and the 3 Amigos.
You fixed the 3 amigos????? Welcome! Welcome! Go to the top of the class! Prepare to be bombarded with more cake than you could possibly cope with. We are not worthy!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
You fixed the 3 amigos????? Welcome! Welcome! Go to the top of the class! Prepare to be bombarded with more cake than you could possibly cope with. We are not worthy!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
You fixed the 3 amigos????? Welcome! Welcome! Go to the top of the class! Prepare to be bombarded with more cake than you could possibly cope with. We are not worthy!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
My OCD is well documented. I've never owned a vehicle which I couldn't repair myself. The D2 is new to me and I am enjoying learning all about it. Sites like this are invaluable for information and gaining experience.
Hi Gary,

Welcome to the looneyzone.

Enjoy the D2, they are great motors.
A couple of things you might want to make sure you have , forgive me if you already do.

A copy of the Rave workshop manual.
Your EKA code.
A friend with a diagnostics system that works on the D2 correctly.

Hi Gary,

Welcome to the looneyzone.

Enjoy the D2, they are great motors.
A couple of things you might want to make sure you have , forgive me if you already do.

A copy of the Rave workshop manual.
Your EKA code.
A friend with a diagnostics system that works on the D2 correctly.

Hi and thank you.

I am struggling to find a current link for Rave. Any help would be appreciated.

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