
New Member

After a little bit of advice, the heated rear scree and heated mirrors don't work on my disco, the light illuminates on the switch but keeps blowing fuses.

So far I have put a new fuse in which popped pretty much instantly, tried this again with both front doors unplugged from main loom but still pops the fuse,

So my question is, is there a common place the loom breaks to cause this or a common problem that would cause my symptoms,

Thanks in advance
Might want to check where the loom goes into the tailgate on the hinge side..

I had this problem, with a very hard to track down cause! The plate in the tailgate which attaches the hinge to the door had been removed (or loosened) and then refitted with the rear screen heater wire crimped underneath it.

In my case, that meant I could replace a fuse, it would all work, but then after it ran for a while the squashed wire would make contact with the chassis and blow the fuse again. It could have easily made a constant short circuit instead

I only found it by accident when replacing wiper motor, I happened to notice that the wire wasn't moving freely. Once I cut out and replaced the damaged wire, it all worked perfectly.

Just another thing to look out for...
Hi all
Thanks for all the advice I've tried unplugging the screen does exactly the same so will have to look deeper,
That's a really good suggestion on the door hinges as I have paperwork saying it had hinges 2 years ago so may well be that I'll take a look and report back
I had this problem, with a very hard to track down cause! The plate in the tailgate which attaches the hinge to the door had been removed (or loosened) and then refitted with the rear screen heater wire crimped underneath it.

That is exactly what had happened to the rear window, many thanks for the suggestion, Wooo a free fix for a change

Thanks for all the help


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