
Active Member
Some help required from those who know more about body work and trim than do I.

After eventually curing water ingress into the underfloor locker and everything remaining bone dry in the worst downpours (thats another story!) I was dismayed to find water dripping in, through the headlining along the width of the rear window just above the glass. Further investigation involving removing the plastic trim across the car above the glass revealed all the drain channels caked with dirt and moss. Ah! I thought thats the reason. Cleared all this away and left the trim off to see if the problem is cured. It isn't!

The next move will be to remove the metal trim bracket which is screwed to the bodywork and reseal. Alternatively I could disturb the headlining to see if I can spot where the water is coming in. Can anyone say if the roof bar trim running the length of the roof covers any seam which may be leaking. I am not looking forward to disturbing any more trim where the plastic fixings fly apart and will never fit back the way it was!

Any advice much appreciated.

Not so Happyhippo
if you remove the metal trim bracket the sealing strip behind will have deteriated, it is all part of a new door seal, however just refit with a generous squidge of silicon sealant along its length, then when you have refitted the plastic trim pipe a line of sealant along the bottom of the water channel, use black silicone and it looks as if it was done in the factory
if you remove the metal trim bracket the sealing strip behind will have deteriated, it is all part of a new door seal, however just refit with a generous squidge of silicon sealant along its length, then when you have refitted the plastic trim pipe a line of sealant along the bottom of the water channel, use black silicone and it looks as if it was done in the factory

You're right! Also the metal trim is designed in such a way that it channels water to the screws which fit into a polythene fixing and are therefore not water tight. I have done the silicone sealing bit on the screws and am now puzzling how to get the side trims back on. I ordered new side trim clips Part No. DCE 100560 for the ones that screw onto the metal studs as it is impossible to get them orft without breakage, but I'm blowed if I can see how to get them on without dislodging the boot seal. Any ideas?
Water in the boot locker is a constantly reappearing thread. I can't speak for all ingress but can tell you all how I cured mine.
I bought my 2000my hippo new it is the second one I have owned. The first had the same problem but I never got to the bottom of where the water came in. After putting up with wet carpet in the locker for a few years I was determined to find the source of the water leak. I removed the rear carpet (very easy) and drilled a small drain hole temporarily and one I can easily reseal.

When all was dry I sat in the back of the car while someone sprayed it with a hose. I soon saw the path of the leaks. One route was down the boot seal until about 300mm off the floor when it ran inside the seal and onto the cill of the boot. It then filled up the seal until it overflowed round the depression under the cill that is formed for the boot stay. I simply sealed both points with clear silicone and cured the problem. It was that simple! You will need to remove the cill trim (4 screws) and you will see what I mean. I think this was probably cured on later models. If not it should have been.
Hope that helps.

plastic side trims surely just clip on threaded studs after seal is mounted, must admit its a couple of years since i did mine, and i am not disturbing it because it is not leaking lol.

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