
Active Member
Ok can anyone please give me the definitive number and sizes of water pump bolts I need please, particularly the ones that go all the way through into the block. Better still a diagram of which goes where, and somewhere I can buy a set please!
bolts are items 12-14
Thanks for that, but still not entirely clear to me. I am concerned about the three water galley bolts. (Bottom right corner) Looks like 1x75mm, but what are the others? They are the ones which go right through
If you type the part numbers into google, at least one of the suppliers lists the size so you can pop down your local Bolt supplier and get them if in a rush. Make sure you coat them in copper slip or similar when you put it all together.
I recently bought a set from Dingocroft, they’ll get all the necessary sizes together for you as a set.

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