I've just had my 200tdi raised a little, it was too high and had a terrible prop shaft noise when lifting the throttle anything over 40mph, it's been dropped it a little over an inch and it's not nearly as bad, but still there a little.

Would it be worth trying a wide angel prop shaft as I don't want to drop it anymore, it's only gone up by about an inch. I prefer that idea than a double carden.
how high is it wide angled props stop the yokes binding together double cardan caters for greater angles its worth checking diff pinion bearings and t/box output bearing are good
I've just had my 200tdi raised a little, it was too high and had a terrible prop shaft noise when lifting the throttle anything over 40mph, it's been dropped it a little over an inch and it's not nearly as bad, but still there a little.

Would it be worth trying a wide angel prop shaft
I don't quite understand your post, but if you are saying you Defender is lifted 1inch above standard, I doubt if you will need a double cardon. Is your existing proshaft in good nick? UJs, slider, all bolts done up?

Try and get it sorted properly rather than relying on angels! ;):D
Is it a grinding/rumble noise? Mine did that when letting off the throttle at 40+mph and was the rear ujs. Just get yourself a couple of new ujs and replace. I've just done mine on the front prop in about half an hour. Don't buy the cheapest option tho as they never seem to last for me.
Common fault on the series land rovers and its nearly always the slider splines worn, lifting the car probably just showed up existing wear
Thanks all, we've done the diff and transfer box, I am always more keen to find the cause of a problem before I fix it - Not looked at the rear shafts though, only been looking at areas that are affected by the lift.
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