
New Member
My 1993 110 has developed a fault on the power steering - on full lock the steering squeals and the steering wheel kicks repeatedly.
Is this likely to be a pump fault or steering box fault?
I couldn't be 100% but i would guess at at the pump on this occasion,Sounds like its pulsing/surging, possibly due to a n air lock or Knackered seal?? Are you loosing any fluid at all???
Check the belt tension and condition(cracked or split) If all okay then check all the unions are tight and seals are in place. If these are okay try bleeding it by removing the res cap and working the steering with the engine running lock to lock slowly until it stats to feel better if not then possible pump fault
accywingy said:
I couldn't be 100% but i would guess at at the pump on this occasion,Sounds like its pulsing/surging, possibly due to a n air lock or Knackered seal?? Are you loosing any fluid at all???
Thanks for that. No fluid loss - it has never needed topping up.
i have a 1993 90 and the same thing just happened to mine. the clunking noise is the tyres scrubbin but the squealing noise is the power steerin pump i reckon, mine was screwed like, cost an arm and a tit to replace it too

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