weeee man

New Member
is there suposed to be oil in the inlet manifold? the pipe that goes from there to the intercooler top has oil in it! if this not right, then what the cause and the way to rectify? regards Paul
hey Paul , when ya coming round to mine then for a shifty ovder your motor ?? .
but it could be your engine breathing heavy or your turbos passing oil mate .....
also where the hose joins the inlet manifold its the wrong size hose and doesnt fit very well and jubilee clip fcked so oil drips onto starter motor, hence oil on live cable where it connects, would this be reason for starter motor playing up you think?
Im over the in-laws tomorrow :( ( monday ) but im free tuseday bud .

whip off your breather when shes warm and see how much shes breathing ( if any ) , if there is very little - non , then check your turbo for it passing oil mate .
Bloke next door to me says he lets his breather vent to atmosphere on his 200TDi disco as it kept dumping chunks of oil through and it went through a few turbos lol.

Its usual to have a little bit in there but sounds like yours is doing it excessively, i'll agree with breather issues.
whats the prob then with the starter then or have i missed something lol . depends how much oil is on there . if its swiming then yeah
starter makes that horrible noise when turn the key and have to turn it 2 or 3 times to get it to start, was hoping to kill to birds with 1 stone if can stop the oil lol there aint that much in there but there is some!
the breather that goes to your air filter from the engine . soz if im a bit vague watching 2012 and typing :D
oil vapour from your engine breather goes to the air filter to get burnt in the combustion cycle. there will be some oil in the intercooler/ intake simply due to these being after the filter in the flow of air to the engine.

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