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What affect will using a 2.5 N/A exhaust system with a 200 Tdi engine ?

Since fitting my 200 engine ( to replace my 2.5 N/A)I've not yet had chance to fit the full 200 Zorst system, only the downpipe.

Although everything is running fine, I do feel the engine is struggling to get rid of the gases quick enough.


The n/a exhaust isn't big enough and it will not do yer engine any good either.The td exhaust is upto the job and its cheaper too!
Because the exhaust gas is being "restricted" by the smaller exhaust, the inevitable effect MUST be that every part of the system from the Valves onwards WILL run hotter, and it might be a whole lot hotter.

This happens because the PRESSURE stays higher, and by Charles's Law and Boyle's Law that means the TEMPERATURE stays high though the VOLUME of the volume of the exhaust stays LOW.

In a bad case and under hard driving you could do harm to your engine and turbo.

mmmm, interesting.

The only reason I've noticed it more, is because the downpipe has been leaking since fitting, and since I have stopped the leak, yeh the engine feels like it is struggling to breathe.

I might introduce the leak again until the new zorst is fitted - might make an annoying sound, but I guess is lowering the gas pressure.

New zorst is now on order

Thanks for the replys
I got round the prob on mine by using the old disco front pipe, removing the n/a front box and welding a section of 2" pipe in its place so just running thro the old back box - this doesnt seem to restrict her at all and noise levels ok.
Good plan.

The Turbo takes a lot of NOISE energy off the exhaust gas by absorbing pulses and by allowing expansion in the turbine casing.

From the turbo outlet onwards you need BIG bore pipes and a low restriction silencer.

What you do NOT need is the EXPANSION BOX commonly fitted in many cars between the engine and the silencer proper.


oh b**ger I've jist bought the other two bits to go with the 200 engine I've jist got , live and learn
oh b**ger I've jist bought the other two bits to go with the 200 engine I've jist got , live and learn

If it's exhaust bits for a 200tdi they'll be OK.

Remember, it only needs the big pipes when you're decked and working hard.
This is probably not too often.
But in principle, a free-flowing exhaust is good on turbo engines.

Well, ive fitted a 200tdi system to replace my 2.5N/A system.... slightly more awkward than expected, as the hangers were in a different place - but a bit of trickery with some steelplate, and bar, welded in place soon sorted out that problem.

I was expecting the drive to a be better, but in fact the drive has less torque, the turbo is taking a while to spin into action, giving the impression of loss of throttle response.:(

I've checked the sysytem for leaks, and all appears fine.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

I suspect this has less to do with the exhaust than feared!

Check the other things that affect turbo air flows, like filter, collapsed rubber pipes, and so on. Step ONE is to remove the air filter and take her for a run.

Every so often the turbo boost compensator thing on the injection pump needs cleaned. This might be the time.

I suspect this has less to do with the exhaust than feared!

Check the other things that affect turbo air flows, like filter, collapsed rubber pipes, and so on. Step ONE is to remove the air filter and take her for a run.

Every so often the turbo boost compensator thing on the injection pump needs cleaned. This might be the time.


CharlesY, I always value your imput.

I check tommorow, and remove the air filter.
What doe's theTurbo Boost Compenstor Thingy look like?

I took the air filter out today, and drove to work without it.

There was an improvement in the turbo lag, but the turbo is very much a boost of power, rather than a nice torquey, smooth delivery.

I see where the turbo boost compensator thing is - is it a straight forward job to clean, or if I undo the bolts are bits and bobs going to jump out never to be found again.

How can I get that lurvvely torquey drive back?:(

Well, I cleaned out the turbo boost compensator; there wasn't much grunge.

Put it all back together- and, it's now driving worse:eek::(:eek::confused:?

Please help:confused:
Well, I cleaned out the turbo boost compensator; there wasn't much grunge.

Put it all back together- and, it's now driving worse:eek::(:eek::confused:?

Please help:confused:


Did you make sure the thingummy inside could slide up and down nicely?

Did you make sure the hose to it is clear, not split anywhere, and is attached properly at both ends?

Any chance the diaphragm is holed?

Don't despair ... yet.

Check this out sometime soon.

I think you need more work on this device.
Looking at it DID change the situation, so you are in the right place but haven't done the right trick yet.


Thanks CharlesY.

The hose looks in good condition - I couldn't see any obvious holes.

The 'plunger thing' move up and down with only the resistance of the spring, and the diaphragm is in good condition.

' Steve's Site' is very useful thanks.

I'm reluctant to make any adjustments yet, as I can't help feel the problem is else where - but I'm othen wrong!

What's niggling me is, why was the torque there with the N/A exhaust, although you could feel the engine wanting breathe more, and yet with the 200 system it is now lost drivability, torque, and the turbo runs with a sudden boost of power.:confused:
What's niggling me is, why was the torque there with the N/A exhaust, although you could feel the engine wanting breathe more, and yet with the 200 system it is now lost drivability, torque, and the turbo runs with a sudden boost of power.

I think that symptom suggests that the boost compensator is sticking, and doesn't move unless and until the boost pressure suddenly moves it and then you get the blast of power coming through. I feel fairly sure that is the place to concentrate your attention. The diaphragm must move very smoothly andf freely, without a hint of sticking.

I suggest you stop worrying about the exhaust side playing any part is this. I am sure it doesn't.

OK, I thinks I'm starting to make some progress.

I re-clean the boost compenstor again, as to be honest last nights clean was a rather rushed( due to lack of light, and pouring rain:(), This time I dismantled all of the piping, and made sure everything was clean, and moving as it should.

And yeh, it is running better.

But still the engine has to pushed to get it going, rather than being eager to use it's power.

So, knowing that the system is not OE, and of the Paddocks variety, it did occure to me that maybe the could be a problem with the silencers restricting flow of gas to much.

I disconnected the middle pipe from the downpipe - and yeh there is noticeably more torque, and less engine noise.

I've come to the conclusion that a straight through middle pipe ( hoping the rear silencer functioning ok) , and check my tappets ( it's been a very rattley engine since having it fitted)

If the Boost Compenstor is sticking - how can I check for sure? and what's the solution if it is?

I pressed it before screwing the top on, and if felt very smooth.

If the Boost Compenstor is sticking - how can I check for sure? and what's the solution if it is?

I pressed it before screwing the top on, and if felt very smooth.

That should be good enough to say it's good.

If the Boost Compenstor is sticking - how can I check for sure? and what's the solution if it is?

I pressed it before screwing the top on, and if felt very smooth.

That should be good enough to say it's good.


Thanks CharlesY.

I've ordered the replacement straight through pipe - hopefully that will help solve the problem.

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