
New Member
Hi Guys, I was just going to share my new creation with people to see what you all think. I have produced a new pulley out of a blank to convert this disco alternator to work with a long belt leaving it in its usual place. I personally think its quite neat and i think should work out a pretty cheap option to leave the alternator where it is. I was really wandering if anyone else would like one of these as if they do i will nock a few up and dish them out, i think they will work out about £20-25 posted with a belt so a fair bit cheaper than other options and so far mine has ran faultlessly. Im hping i will be able to get the price down if i can get a few people interested as i will pressure the supplier into dropping the price on the blanks and the belts.

I will upload some pictures a bit later so you can see what im talking about.

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Sorry? Im not really sure what you mean. I dont have any for sale at the moment it was more of an interest thing to be honest. Basically it came about as i was up in the peaks the weekend before last and had left my alternator connected to a dry power steering pump after the conversion. Which i kenw was a lazy option but i just hadn't got round to fixing it. so had to drive from matlock to hinckley on a bit of rope turning my water pump and then made this up from the belt shop using his lathe and thought others might like the option to them.

I was more after opinions to be honest
Sounds like a good idea i would go for it and flog them on e bay.
May also be worth posting on the series 2 forums 200 conversions section.
I mounted my alternator on top of the timing chest where the air con pump was designed to go again just using one belt.

cheers bud i think if i did it again i would chamfer the face where i cut in and maybe use a slightly larger belt but it seems to work well. plus it means the alternator is dead easy to get too.
ah cheers bud, I will have a look into it then, if it turns out there not really do able i can make you a special one as you were first to ask.

Is there anything else people would need?
ha ha good ideas are few and far beetween inmy world. Im going to look into my throttle linkage if that comes up trumps i promise i will share but if it doesnt, i will hide under a rock. The plan is 2 barrel adjusters off a MTB with a BTB brake outer and a bracket off the spring box as at the moment i am running with a bare cable in no sheath and its a little sensitiveto engine movements :p
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Thats alright buddy I would say I would do it straight away but unfortunately I have to use my mates Laithe and he lives 60 miles away so i will coincide this with my next visit :)

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