
New Member
I think my head gasket is on it's way out on my 200, so I'll be changing it sooner rather than later. I've never done a head gasket before, so how big a job is it and how long does it take? Roughly of course.
I have the haynes though.
If you have a decent mechanical knowledge it is easy check out my pictures it took roughly a day on my drive way and cost £18 for a new gasket. The gaskets have to be the right one I think there is three sizes take your old gasket when you get the new one to make sure you get the correct one. If you can use a genuine LR manual it goes into much more detail than haynes use bungy straps to hold the exhaust manifold up you don't need to completely remove exhaust from manifold and put all push rods through a piece of card board in the order they come out don't rush and youll be fine. If youre not sure of owt let us know.:)
Reeto, will do, cheers mate! I'm not sure if it's the head or the P gasket though as I can see where the water has come out a bit, but not sure where it's come from. I'll find out next time I have a long run i suppose. Where does one get a proper LR manual from then?
Reeto, will do, cheers mate! I'm not sure if it's the head or the P gasket though as I can see where the water has come out a bit, but not sure where it's come from. I'll find out next time I have a long run i suppose. Where does one get a proper LR manual from then?
Normally when a 200tdi head gasket goes it blows at the back ( between the block and bulkhead ) it sounds a bit like a steam engine and is caused by a build up of carbon you can actually feel it if you place your hand of the back of the block Its happened to me on two seperate Discos both around the 130k mark you should be able to get manual off flea bay for around £25 if the water is coming from front its probably water pump which is straight forward job around two hours :) hope this helps
Cheers duck! It's mainly from around the front yes and there's no steam engine noises. Do you mean the water pump itself or just the gasket?

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