
The seal around the windscreen of my Defender 90 is getting a bit "frayed" at the corners. It doesn't seem to be leaking visibly yet but I think it might only be a matter of time...

I've looked around the forum and it looks like quite a complex job to get the screen out and fit a new seal.

Is there any kind of sealer anyone has used successfully to fill these kind of gaps ?
I removed the whole windscreen and surround, cut the old seal away, resprayed the surround and fitted the screen with a new rubber; easy job when not on the vehicle.
you can use the windscreen sealer to seal it, but thats about a tenner a new seal is about £20 it is easy enough to cut the old seal to remove the windscreen then use some para cord to refit.

Can be a pain in the arse though. I got a company out to replace the screen and seal for £100
Had the same with mine - picked up a new seal for about £18, and paid a local (not national) windscreen fitter £50 cash to remove the old screen and replace using my seal - that was last month

Had read up on how to do it myself, but the number of guys who had cracked their screen in the process put me off the idea
when i done mine when i resprayed the 90 we cut out the old seal

when we refitted with new seal my mate was outside and i was inside the 90

plenty of lubricant and some thin cord and with a lot of huffing and puffing and swearing it finally eased into place

the alpine windows they were a bastid to do
old one out

new one in

My local windscreen company does it for about £15 cash plus the new seal, at that proce no point messing about yourself.
When I needed a new heated front screen last year (some of the heating elements were broken in my existing one) I just used my windscreen insurance again, £50 plus I supplied a new seal (I always keep one in stock in the garage as you never know when you might have to have a new screen fitted and I never reuse a seal as they all go hard & crack eventually).
cut the old seal out with a stanley knife on the outside,then get a mate to push the screen from the inside and it will come out,use the string method to refit will take about an 30mins
The seal around the windscreen of my Defender 90 is getting a bit "frayed" at the corners. It doesn't seem to be leaking visibly yet but I think it might only be a matter of time...

I've looked around the forum and it looks like quite a complex job to get the screen out and fit a new seal.

Is there any kind of sealer anyone has used successfully to fill these kind of gaps ?

If it aint bust... dont fix it. However if you are near Bolton... you could try Bolton Safety Glass 01204393260 and ask for Tim (the owner). He has fitted 2 screens for me... I supplied the Britpart rubber. He will give you a price but fitting your screen is at your risk.
I tried fitting my first one.... ended up driving 10 miles to see this guy with welding goggles on :)
If you think fitting a Defender screen is difficult, try fitting a Morris Minor split windscreen rubber seal. Took me and a mate 8 hours.
If it aint bust... dont fix it. However if you are near Bolton... you could try Bolton Safety Glass 01204393260 and ask for Tim (the owner). He has fitted 2 screens for me... I supplied the Britpart rubber. He will give you a price but fitting your screen is at your risk.
I tried fitting my first one.... ended up driving 10 miles to see this guy with welding goggles on :)

And did the guy with welding goggles on sort it for you? Are they an important part of windscreen fitting:confused:

And did the guy with welding goggles on sort it for you? Are they an important part of windscreen fitting:confused:

No no no Gratch, he was driving with his welding goggles on 'cos he didn't have a knowd that didn't you...oooo you little minx.:D

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