here in northern ireland all mots are done at government test centres, no repairs done pretty trustworthy
as always a few nob eads but generally very good service and there open till 8pm mon to sat
there is no free retest think its about £18
i can see it over time going the same way over there
The government has scrapped ideas to do mot's every 2 years, they reckon garages don't do them good enough as it is and also possible job losses

**** me some of you guys have no idea do yah!!! What a **** comment that is, 'the goverment reckon garages dont do them good enough', thats a ****ing insult that is!!!

Its widely known that the UK MOT is to easy, its a basic, very basic, test of safety, its one of the simplest MOT's to pass and covers such basic stuff, its nothing to do with garages not being good enough in the slightest!!! Get some facts before you make accusations like this!!

As for this talk of MOT centers failing cars just to get work e.t.c. I think you will find there isnt much of this actually going on. Yeah you will get the odd garage doing it but they will very quickly end up a red light garage and closed down (the MOT centers run on a traffic light scoring system). It is all computer regulated and as soon as someone is failing too many cars VOSA is on their case!!

Now I run a test center, I have 3 testers here and I process about 50 MOT's a week. I also know plenty of guys from around the area and we all have the same problem, people think that their car wont fail so when it does its our fault. You need to realise the test is set, it is a pass/fail system, yes we can advise when it gets close and yes some stuff is down to the tester but its set items that are tested and set criteria to meet!!

This attitude of garages just rip people off is so archaic, if you are getting ripped off I suggest you stop going to dodgy dave and look for an accredited garage, there are plenty out there and we work are arses off to get rid of this 'rip off' attitude!!
I know of an MOT only garage that doesn't do them propperly for the completely opposit reason, all he wants is the £45 he charges (class 4) £50 for class 7 he's not interested wether or not they should fail or not, he does a no pass no fee so very few fail.

Local trade go there they will get a fail they leave car there and he will pass it off later that day, this is how he get's his national average fail's.

He got caught red handed MOTing a car that wasn't even on site (VOSA were) he lost his licence for 2 months go figure that.
Saw an L reg 1994 90 on Ebay yesterday, and the seller had TAX EXEMPT on the add stating it was exempt due to classic mileage whats that about
Saw an L reg 1994 90 on Ebay yesterday, and the seller had TAX EXEMPT on the add stating it was exempt due to classic mileage whats that about

He is speaking ****, well, unless it is registered as farm machinery and it is MOT exempt but thats doubtful...
Garages are just another con like everything else in the uk to ask 60quid an hour for labour these guys are mechanics not ****ing dentists yes they have overheads but tell me a buisness that does not,if you look for example at a engine shop they will clean and skim a head takes about an hour but last one i got done cost £38 quid plus vat way cheaper than a garages charges for 1hours work so dont tell me its cause of all the equiptment as the stuff in a engine shop cost a load more
whats a mechanics hr pay rate £8-16 so yes there not dentists
if a garage is charging you to much take it somewhere else, do it yourself or find someone to do it as a pj
whats a mechanics hr pay rate £8-16 so yes there not dentists
if a garage is charging you to much take it somewhere else, do it yourself or find someone to do it as a pj

The avarage garage charges 60 an hour taking it else where wont get it much cheaper doing it meself is what i do but does not stop the over charging garage there are people who dont know how to do it them self
Garages are just another con like everything else in the uk to ask 60quid an hour for labour these guys are mechanics not ****ing dentists yes they have overheads but tell me a buisness that does not,if you look for example at a engine shop they will clean and skim a head takes about an hour but last one i got done cost £38 quid plus vat way cheaper than a garages charges for 1hours work so dont tell me its cause of all the equiptment as the stuff in a engine shop cost a load more

Do you have any ****ing idea what you are talking about here? I doubt it you tool!!

First off are your basic overheads, rent, electric, water. Then you have to have your insurances, not just vehicle but property, public liability (needed for MOT viewing areas) and equipment. You then have to pay your waste licenses, your hazerdous substances licenses, Your waste disposal, equipment calibrations, equipment inspections and Computer programs licences.

Add to this the tool costs, yes this is a MAJOR part of the labour rate and when your paying £10000 for a computer diagnostics tool plus £1000 a year for the various updates on it, the countless vehicle specific tools, cam locking tools, pullers and **** knows what else manafacturers decide to use.

We wont even go into the rising costs of consumables, cleaning solutions, lubricants, cable ties and the like.

Seriously you need to have a word with yourself before you start making these claims cos its obvious you know **** all about the subject!!
but there is going to be more and more you cant do on newer vehicles thats just the way the trade gone (not saying thats right) but so many things have gone that way i have much bigger problems like insurance highway men, shocking car tax and fuel cost rape
once ive got all them sorted i'll move onto the trades that have bullied up there prices

ps only dealerships charge the £60 per hr mark here
Do you have any ****ing idea what you are talking about here? I doubt it you tool!!

First off are your basic overheads, rent, electric, water. Then you have to have your insurances, not just vehicle but property, public liability (needed for MOT viewing areas) and equipment. You then have to pay your waste licenses, your hazerdous substances licenses, Your waste disposal, equipment calibrations, equipment inspections and Computer programs licences.

Add to this the tool costs, yes this is a MAJOR part of the labour rate and when your paying £10000 for a computer diagnostics tool plus £1000 a year for the various updates on it, the countless vehicle specific tools, cam locking tools, pullers and **** knows what else manafacturers decide to use.

We wont even go into the rising costs of consumables, cleaning solutionslubricants, cable ties and the like.

Dont call me tool every buisness has overheads water insurance bla bla like i said im my example how come a engine repair shop is cheaper do they not have machines lathes and the like you must either own a garages or work in one to feel the way you do main dealers are even worst some take 125 plus vat an hour they only have to worry about tool for thier own mark .

Seriously you need to have a word with yourself before you start making these claims cos its obvious you know **** all about the subject!!

Dont call me tool every buisness has overheads water insurance bla bla like i said im my example how come a engine repair shop is cheaper do they not have machines lathes and the like you must either own a garages or work in one to feel the way you do main dealers are even worst some take 125 plus vat an hour they only have to worry about tool for thier own
Saw an L reg 1994 90 on Ebay yesterday, and the seller had TAX EXEMPT on the add stating it was exempt due to classic mileage whats that about

Could be owned by a disabled person?

but, yes, utter ****
Dont call me tool every buisness has overheads water insurance bla bla like i said im my example how come a engine repair shop is cheaper do they not have machines lathes and the like you must either own a garages or work in one to feel the way you do main dealers are even worst some take 125 plus vat an hour they only have to worry about tool for thier own

Yes I run a garage, Its a family business and I have seen it grow from the back of a van to a decent size place so I know very well the costs involved. A machine shop doesnt have anywhere near the level of costs of a garage. The motor trade is one of the most regulated industries out there and we have all sorts of fees to pay, machine shops dont. We have hazardous materials licenses to pay, machine shops dont. We have waste to pay, machine shops dont. There are so many costs beyond what you realise in this trade, stupid costs, expensive costs.

Not only that but an engine shop is an engineering shop, a totally different part of the trade, they dont have half the amount of tooling we need. My yearly costs on tools alone is well over £12K, thats a ****ing lot and it goes up every year!!

I will give you an example, newer VW diesels engines are a slightly different design that dont allow conventional diesel compression testers work so you need to get a new kit, that alone is £500+ and that will be used a few times a year.

And then theres the big tools, we have had a new class 7 ramp added, thats over £10K alone!!

The expenses are there, there isnt a national conspiracy to rip people off, im not living a life of luxury and lording it up an neither are most garage owners, infact there has been a steady decline in the amount of garages dues to spiriling costs, its a cut throat world right now and its gets no better when we constantly have people slating the independent garages.

Yes I agree main dealers are over priced, BMW are at £180 in some places but thats because people are willing to pay it when they actually belive that they have to go to main dealers for warranty vehicles, thats a lie spilt by dealerships which breaks some very major laws, they shouldnt do it but they do, they have told me before that if I buy I have to go to them for work whilst in warranty!!

I woill opologise for the insult but this really gets my goat, people have no idea on the overheads of a motor garage, they are muchmuch higher than most businesses!!
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**** me some of you guys have no idea do yah!!! What a **** comment that is, 'the goverment reckon garages dont do them good enough', thats a ****ing insult that is!!!

By taking that comment as an insult strongly suggests to me that you don't "do them good enough" - otherwise you would take that comment meaning that some of your counterparts in the industry don't "do them good enough" and of course, if you don't think you are ahead of your counterparts in the industry then you really should question why you are in the industry.

I have taken a vehicle to one MOT test centre, got a list of advisories and failures, taken it to another test centre the next day and got a completly different list of advisories and failures... to me that suggests there is a lack of consistancy across MOT test centres.

If a vehicle is MOT'd properly then I don't believe there are that many holes in our MOT system which means a dangerous vehicle can get an MOT and therefore, in your opinion it may be 'very easy' to get an MOT, but, it serves the purpose at ensuring all UK vehicles have a yearly inspection to ensure they meet this minimum standard.

Coming on here and abusing and swearing at everyone for discussing the MOT system and garages generically is not exactly going to help anyones opinion of MOT centres or testers. Maybe you could try a more constructive and explanatory method instead? Share some of your expertises and skills?
Yes I agree main dealers are over priced, BMW are at £180 in some places but thats because people are willing to pay it when they actually belive that they have to go to main dealers for warranty vehicles, thats a lie spilt by dealerships which breaks some very major laws, they shouldnt do it but they do, they have told me before that if I buy I have to go to them for work whilst in warranty!!

Couldn't agree more with that comment - the mo-in-law smashed the glass part of a door mirror - £180 for BMW to replace - when she said that sounded a bit cheap the BMW guy said "it is a £35k car you know" - what f**king difference does that make - it's still just a bit of mirror glass. Got her one for £20 in the end off a online parts dealer!
By taking that comment as an insult strongly suggests to me that you don't "do them good enough" - otherwise you would take that comment meaning that some of your counterparts in the industry don't "do them good enough" and of course, if you don't think you are ahead of your counterparts in the industry then you really should question why you are in the industry.

I have taken a vehicle to one MOT test centre, got a list of advisories and failures, taken it to another test centre the next day and got a completly different list of advisories and failures... to me that suggests there is a lack of consistancy across MOT test centres.

If a vehicle is MOT'd properly then I don't believe there are that many holes in our MOT system which means a dangerous vehicle can get an MOT and therefore, in your opinion it may be 'very easy' to get an MOT, but, it serves the purpose at ensuring all UK vehicles have a yearly inspection to ensure they meet this minimum standard.

Coming on here and abusing and swearing at everyone for discussing the MOT system and garages generically is not exactly going to help anyones opinion of MOT centres or testers. Maybe you could try a more constructive and explanatory method instead? Share some of your expertises and skills?

Well if people would take a bit of time and look into what they are actually talking about and not jumping on the bandwagon then I wouldnt be getting so ****ed off over it. This isnt just my feelings, this is something that VOSA themselves recognise, there isnt enough understanding of what is actually involved in the MOT by the general public so accusations fly about all over the place. Today im not in a great mood so maybe it came across strong but how would you like it if someone who has no understanding of your field of work came along and told you your not good enough??

As for my MOT standard, well being a green light garage for over 12 years and having been recognised as an excellent example of an MOT center I have no issues with my MOT standard. I understand there are garages that dont offer this quality of service but then its down to you to decide if fred the shed offering MOT's at £3.99 is really an acceptable place to get an MOT done?
Yes I run a garage, Its a family business and I have seen it grow from the back of a van to a decent size place so I know very well the costs involved. A machine shop doesnt have anywhere near the level of costs of a garage. The motor trade is one of the most regulated industries out there and we have all sorts of fees to pay, machine shops dont. We have hazardous materials licenses to pay, machine shops dont. We have waste to pay, machine shops dont. There are so many costs beyond what you realise in this trade, stupid costs, expensive costs.

Not only that but an engine shop is an engineering shop, a totally different part of the trade, they dont have half the amount of tooling we need. My yearly costs on tools alone is well over £12K, thats a ****ing lot and it goes up every year!!

I will give you an example, newer VW diesels engines are a slightly different

design that dont allow conventional diesel compression testers work so you need

to get a new kit, that alone is £500+ and that will be used a few times a year.

And then theres the big tools, we have had a new class 7 ramp added, thats over £10K alone!!

The expenses are there, there isnt a national conspiracy to rip people off, im not living a life of luxury and lording it up an neither are most garage owners, infact there has been a steady decline in the amount of garages dues to spiriling costs, its a cut throat world right now and its gets no better when we constantly have people slating the independent garages.

Yes I agree main dealers are over priced, BMW are at £180 in some places but thats because people are willing to pay it when they actually belive that they have to go to main dealers for warranty vehicles, thats a lie spilt by dealerships which breaks some very major laws, they shouldnt do it but they do, they have told me before that if I buy I have to go to them for work whilst in warranty!!

I woill opologise for the insult but this really gets my goat, people have no idea on the overheads of a motor garage, they are muchmuch higher than most businesses!!
Ok lets agree to disagree but lets face it four weeks worth of mots has paid for your tools engine shop have waste bills you cant just bin machine oil ? Some cad machines are inexcess of 200000 when i use a garage its ually for brake pipes as im just **** at them and once i found that out of 6 garages nobody wanted to do the job (rear pipes on a patrol) they told me and i state its not really worth me bothering with small jobs like that this tells me they have plenty work and dont need the cash if you are stuggling maybe you are not busy and need to charge more to cover costs than if you had more cars in the door
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Ok lets agree to disagree but lets face it four weeks worth of mots has paid for your tools engine shop have waste bills you cant just bin machine oil ? Some cad machines are inexcess of 200000 when i use a garage its ually for brake pipes as im just **** at them and once i found that out of 6 garages nobody wanted to do the job (rear pipes on a patrol) they told me and i state its not really worth me bothering with small jobs like that this tells me they have plenty work and dont need the cash if you are stuggling maybe you are not busy and need to charge more to cover costs than if you had more cars in the door

There is nothing to disagree about, im telling you the facts, its not cheap to run a garage, its not 1 man in a shed, the regulations we have to stick to are absurd, the costs in paperwork is massive, its simply not cheap. Its not a case of me not being busy, I run the largest independent garage within 20 miles so I know whats what in this trade.

I admit im coming across strong here and quite possibly ****ing a few people off but its not nice having your trade insulted. I apologize if you think its personal but to me it does feel personal...

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