Lots of mods to get it to work correctly and reliable compression ratio and cooling the intake charge or you will be melting pistons lots of work for a brick on wheels after 90mph a defender is rubbish especially compared to a rangie or even a disco aerodynamics
Lots of mods to get it to work correctly and reliable compression ratio and cooling the intake charge or you will be melting pistons lots of work for a brick on wheels after 90mph a defender is rubbish especially compared to a rangie or even a disco aerodynamics
exactly what i said earlier the engine would end up blowing itself up thats if you could get it to run properly
All the best of luck chap Personally I wouldn't bother!

first puddle you come to you'd be stuck anyhow!

I'd be interested in one of these belt driven superchargers that have been about a few years. Seems almost as cheap and more reliable if done right.
lol lower compression ratio pre detination timing loads to think about no such thing as a bolt on mod unless you change heads and lots of faffing

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