
Active Member
So after doing about an hours driving today I got back and found 2 oil spots - 1 seems to be underneath the engine but this is the 1st time it has happened, there was no leak spot when I got back on Saturday after a 260 mile trip and the other spot is maybe from the rear axle. I’ve attached some pics just trying to figure out what it could be….I’ve circled where it seems very oily.


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Just done some research and it could be both diffs leaking? I’ve read this can be caused by a pressure issue? Over pressurised causing the seals to leak?
If you think it's your diffs overpressuring, check your breather pipes are clear. Is the oil ep80/90? Give it a sniff to be sure. Oil leaks can be swine to trace rarely does it just drop vertically downwards!
Looks to me ike that oil is splatttered about, my first suspect would be the engine leaking, the oil running down and the airflow chucking the oil mist all over the place.
Gonna check both breather pipes as it’s looks as though there’s just a couple drips of oil after stopping the car, not a continuous drip. There was no leak after a small drive this morning also.

I guess it’s welcome to the world of defender leaks
Unlikely to be your front diff, that'll more than likely be your transfer box. As for the rear there's a fair amount of oil around there by the looks of it. If it's just a few spots I wouldn't worry too much about it but if you really want to sort it then it could be your rear diff pinion seal and then your transfer box cover plate gasket. Both are easy to do but I've still to sort the leak from my transfer box and I've kinda gave up
So after doing about an hours driving today I got back and found 2 oil spots - 1 seems to be underneath the engine but this is the 1st time it has happened, there was no leak spot when I got back on Saturday after a 260 mile trip and the other spot is maybe from the rear axle. I’ve attached some pics just trying to figure out what it could be….I’ve circled where it seems very oily.
Fairly trivial by Landrover standards. Don't worry if it isn't reaching the ground.
Could be from the rocker box gasket running down, and a bit from the rear seal on the front diff.
Could even be diesel washing oil and dirt off things on it's way down.
Worth checking the breathers, but otherwise just check the levels occasionally and top up as needed.

It would be helpful if you said what age of vehicle it is, and what engine.
Thank you
It’s a 1998 90 300TDI County
23 old vehicle, a bit of weeping is to be expected.

As suggested ^^^^^^^^, smell can be a guide to what the leaking fluids actually are.
But unless you get real pools on the ground, checks and top up are the way to go.
Lot of oil in those diffs and boxes, you can afford to lose a few drops.
So little morning update - checked underneath this morning and can’t see that it’s leaked anymore, just seems to be after a 30 min plus journey I’m getting a few drops front and rear, couple of zoomed in photos, can’t seem to determine the rear leak though.


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So little morning update - checked underneath this morning and can’t see that it’s leaked anymore, just seems to be after a 30 min plus journey I’m getting a few drops front and rear, couple of zoomed in photos, can’t seem to determine the rear leak though.
Just go round the gearboxes and diffs, and remove the level plugs, and top up with the right oils.

That will tell you how much, and from where, you have lost over time.

Then you can decide if you want to change seals, or just keep on topping up.
As above oil leaks can be tricky to find - a great trick it to thoroughly clean up axle/engine/gearbox/transfer box and local areas, use/spray Gunk engine cleaner, leave to soak and hot wash off. Then take for a good 30-40min drive, come back and inspect. It will be much easier to find when everything is clean.
Yeh I think I'll give the underside a good clean and let it dry off, then drive it and see where any leaks are coming from. Just seems to be straight after a drive then stops not a continuous leak which says to me the diff seals? I'll get under it tonight and try the to check the breather pipes.
Yeh I think I'll give the underside a good clean and let it dry off, then drive it and see where any leaks are coming from. Just seems to be straight after a drive then stops not a continuous leak which says to me the diff seals? I'll get under it tonight and try the to check the breather pipes.
Oil is thinner in use, and under pressure, so that it usually when it leaks out.

So long as you have enough oil on the inside, you won't do damage, which is why the level checks are a good idea.
I dream of having 2 oil spots like that
Underside of our Series is covered in oil from a leaking steering box.
I could fix it, but for the mileage it does, I really can't be bothered.
And in any case, it prevents rust, and makes it look nice and shiny.
So I just top it up before we go out, five minute job.
Underside of our Series is covered in oil from a leaking steering box.
I could fix it, but for the mileage it does, I really can't be bothered.
And in any case, it prevents rust, and makes it look nice and shiny.
So I just top it up before we go out, five minute job.

85/150 works wonders in leaky series steering boxes.
85/150 works wonders in leaky series steering boxes.
We used to use the 160 weight oil out of Sunbeam motorcycles. :)

But it only actually leaks much if you forget to lock the steering over hard right when you park up.
There must be spot of corrosion on the shaft, which aligns with wear on the seal in certain positions.
I buy oil in 20 litre containers and just constantly top up. It keeps the chassis rust free. Put a tray down whilst parked to save the environment.

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