Hi Guys

Am thinking that my 2.5TD engine has lost a bit of power over the last year was wondering what might be causing this.

Is it a head gasket? Seems to have an increased oil leak (i know they always drip a bit but more so than it used to).

Also could it be a fuel line problem, fuel cap lets out a lot of pressure when removed to is that some form of pressure preventing fuel?

Any suggestions would be great cheers
The fuel cap pressure is a bit odd. Change the fuel filter first - they can be affected by just one fill of duff fuel, and it can affect power.
If you give the engine a really good clean then look for where the oil is leaking from, you'll get a better idea if it could be the gasket.
Cheers will swap the filter, see if it makes a difference.

And i suppose i shall have to clean the engine bay looking for a leak.
Just take the fuel cap off and drive it for a bit and see, if it all seams fine with the cap removed then the cap is at fault ;)

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