I have just bout a lany 90 with a 2.5 td engine. The problem I have is the engine blew up with the previous owner and since then the engine has been rebuilt by a reputable engine builder in my area. the injection pump and injectors have been rebuilt and a new turbo fitted. The engine is producing a grey smoke out of the exhaust. I have tryed all different timing setups on the pump, tooth each way and the problem doesnt clean up. I have also tryed on the slots too but to no joy. What can people sugest. Is there anything I can look for? The engine has now been run for 10 hrs and the neighbours are starting to get anoyed. I have invested lots of money in this now and am at the end of my tether. Do I get a new engine? Do I blow the poxy engine up?
White smoke would point to a duff turbo, or head gasket if its more steam than smoke.

Blue/grey smoke would point to worn piston rings, valve stem guides leaking, or a blown head gasket.

Have you run the engine up to temp? does it still smoke if you have, is water contaminated with oil or vice versa
White smoke is either water or unburnt disel, smell it and see what it smells like.

A duff turbo is not going to give you white smoke, when the turbo goes your going to get blue/black smoke, either because, the oil seal leaks on the inlet side and the engine draws in oil and is burnt, or the turbo stops blowing properly because of collapsed bearings and the fuel doesnt get properly burnt when the turbo is meant to be blowing because there is not enought air for it to burn with.

So its water or diesel, find out which and get back to us.
It is not water. It has a fine smell of diesel in the smoke. It cant be glazing as it has had a rebore and the engine is like new. The injection pump has also been rebuilt. It also has a new turbo fitted. I checked the turbo and it is not leaking oil into the hose to the inlet and there is no play in the bearings. Would the injectors give me this problem as it is the only thing that hasnt been changed. It also smokes when the engine is up to temp.
Thats what I thought but I checked all that with a dti and reset it with a diesel specialist and it is still the same. I will try it again though to be sure.
dodgy in jectors will give you white smoke, have you checked the air filter? it could only be damp.
not sure on that one. Got another set to try now and see what happens. The starter over run clutch now packed up so gotta fix that first before I can start it. It all goes at the same b****y time doesnt it.
problem solved now. thanks for the advise. changed the engine in the end to a 200tdi. all good now. It was the head in the end being cracked and the engine builder didnt find it.

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