Lightweight Ste

New Member
I have been looking at a Freelander 2.5 V6 auto with a view to buying it. It is a 2005 HSE Station Wagon ,with 60000 miles on the clock and seemed fine on a test run.I have read a few negative posts on various sites :( are they really that bad or did the later models get sorted out ?
I have a 2005 se with 58k on the clock and it is fantastic... FWIW.

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I did a buying write up a bit go which covers all Freelander 1's. Look in the threads I've posted. I have a v6. Whilst it's nice to drive, low mpg may make you want to by a diesel. Parts are a bit more eggspensive. Risk of petrol Freelander 1's breaking is higher than diesels.
i quite like my little 1.8 petrol as its prob the easiest reving petrol ive ever owned. i was gonna put a thread on to see if others found this. ive had loads of 1.8 petrols over the years ranging from mondeos to vectras and havnt ever had one that revs as easily and instantly as the freelander and in mondo mode i find most corners or turns that i would usually use a lower gear on i can usually get round in higher gears.

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