
New Member
Hi All
My old landy is fitted with a 2.5 turbo diesel landrover engine
After alot of frequent stop starts towing a small trailer i set off home. I put my foot down and the engine revs increased on their own getting faster, noisier and smokier. Iam sure it would have destroyed its self had i let it run on. The only way to stop it was to turn the ignition off. It dont happen all the time but seems to happen when its been ticking over maybe in a traffic jam. The road clears and i put my foot down to get going and it happens again. Any thoughts on what may be causing this? Think it may be running a little rich as its smokes under load.
Thanks in advance
Throttle cable or linkage sticking ? Cable routing ? These engines can run out of control when they are so worn that engine oil passes back into the airfilter and is burnt instead of fuel but then it would not have stopped on the key. AndyC
i used to have an astra that did this, you have deffo got oil in the turbo, get it checked out oprobably need a new turbo ;)
the td5 engine i take it?

the EGR moulator faults and operates at idle causing extra revs, check that the modulator is not causing the egr valve to open, you will see the diagpram rod start to move if its opening(front left hand of engine)
try disconnecting vacuum hose off modulator and see what happens.
Hi all
Thanks for the pointers. If its the turbo is there a way to check it?
Dont think its a worn engine as it dont use a deal of oil and starts ok even in winter.
Could overfilling the sump cause this?
Yes too much oil could, you need to be careful of this, as the engine could run on oil and there would be no way of turning it off, the engine just runs away... I guess you could stall it...

I don't think its the TD5 your talking about is it? its the 2.5TD yes?
Could overfilling the sump cause this?
as the engine could run on oil

Is the rocker cover breather pipe connected to the air intake? try disconnecting it if it is, then there's no chance of the engine running on the oil mist/fumes.
The rocker breather is already disconnected. Yep its the 2.5TD an old one really.
It dont happen all the time thats the strange thing. I suspect oil is building up somewhere until it reaches a certain level then the engine speeds up on its way to destruction. Like i said turn the ingnition off and the engine stops? Turbo sounds a likely source. I will try some investigations this weekend
Thanks all
Had the same problem with my TD5, first problem I had was a smoky exhaust (white) Checked everything but found no evidence of forum advice.

On my way to work landy started to gush vast amounts of white smoke. Advice varied but I stripped the turbo to find that the fan pin had worn away. This caused the failure of the turbo.

I think that you need a new turbo as well, ouch! expensive.
The pipe from the turbo to the pump, uses pressure to moderate the injection pump during boost, I'd blank off the pipe to the injection pump at the T piece by the turbo, stopping boost getting to the injection pump, as your symptoms may indicate that the diapham in the top of your injection pump may be faulty. If the overunning stops then change the diapham in the injection pump.
Mine does the same thing and it's down to worn valve stem oil seals and possible a leaking head gasket.
Going to do the head and stem seals soon.
Seeing as how Butties last post was in the Gaylander bit asking how to change his knickers I reckon in the time since he posted this he's either blown it up, soult it or just gone raving mad and got a Gaylander.

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