
Hi All,

Just been looking at the log book for my 1990 Defender and see that its listed as a 90 Defender Turbo Dies and registered 04/10/1990.
I always went with the understanding that it was a 200tdi due to it being late 1990. Error on my part is that i havent had a thorough look at serial numbers on components to see if or what has been changed over the years but now i'm more interested in finding out what actual engine i have.

Would anyone be able to identify it from the engine bay photos?
That is a TDI engine, assuming it has a standard v-belt fan belt it is a 200tdi and therefore is very likely to be the original.
Thats what i thought as well but puzzled why the car isnt registered as tdi but instead Turbo Diesel
Turbo diesel had the turbo in the same place but the rocker cover was the same as a NA 2.5.
Thats what i thought as well but puzzled why the car isnt registered as tdi but instead Turbo Diesel

Probably because if you boil it down to the components a 200tdi is just a turbo Diesel engine, 200tdi is just a landrover phrase the DVLA care more about whether it’s turbo or not
Thats what i thought as well but puzzled why the car isnt registered as tdi but instead Turbo Diesel
^^ what @flat said

Where is it registered as a turbo diesel? Are you looking on the V5 or one of the insurance details pages based on the reg? If so it is a turbo diesel, it is a diesel engine that is turbo-ed. I don't think they differentiate between the specific different engines but just group them into a category..
In response to the original, it certainly looks like a genuine doozil with a fan fitted onto it, making it a 'turbo-doozil' ... although it's only the air that is turbo-ed not the doozil, coz doozil doesn't turbo!
Here's one for the collective mind: this has the factory fitted bulkhead insulation - was this fitted to the turbo Ds? It wasn't to my NA.
^^ what @flat said

Where is it registered as a turbo diesel? Are you looking on the V5 or one of the insurance details pages based on the reg? If so it is a turbo diesel, it is a diesel engine that is turbo-ed. I don't think they differentiate between the specific different engines but just group them into a category..
It comes up as turbo diesel using the reg on insurance & other sites which I figured like other have said, they just generalise it as it’s a turbo diesel but it’s also registered as defender 90 turbo diesel on the V5
I'd be more worried about the dismantled injection pump. Every one loves a bit of the general lee!
Haha thought someone would pick up on that, what was more worrying for me was the puddles of black oil that poured out once I took the cover off

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