
New Member
when I started the engine today after a weeks lay up engine sounded like the accelerater was flat to the floor only used a little choke no accelerater at all but it was going flat out sounded like it was about to explode throttle cable not under tension isn't stuck either choke not stuck open not sure what i should try next
My Freelander nearly killed me yesterday! Was accelerating up a hill and when releasing pedal car just kept max throttle, had to use all the force I could to bring to a stop before cutting the engine. Is this a common issue???
My Freelander nearly killed me yesterday! Was accelerating up a hill and when releasing pedal car just kept max throttle, had to use all the force I could to bring to a stop before cutting the engine. Is this a common issue???

How odd...a freebie with a 2.5n/a engine...reverse technology! Did you at any point consider dipping the clutch, putting it into neutral and coasting to a stop before removing key? Or did you just go into a blind panic, **** your pants and scream like a nun getting banged by King Dong?

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