landie man

New Member
My SWB 87 90 originally had an N/A engine fitted to it, but it was taken out by the previous owner, and a V8 put in. To be honest I don't really need the V8 in it now, and I certainly don't need the fuel expence of it! And was thinking of buying a recon 2.5 N/A engine as they are far cheaper to buy recon than say a 200tdi.

What I want to know is for one thing what MPG roughly can I expect from an N/A engine, and I know it hasn't the pulling power of the 200tdi, but does anyone know what horse power an N/A engine is? I only want it for everyday road use, and greenlaning, and the odd bit of caravan towing. deff no heavy off road use. I'm just trying to weigh up my options here, but need the info to do that.

Any help much appriciated. :)
I get 22 mpg out of my 2.5 n/a and 24-5 ish on a long run. Its not exactly a gallon it's what I will get for a fiver. If that helps. Book says 23 mpg. It will tow a large lorry and has done.
I must add that was on the flat and for less than 2oo yards. ;)
Ok, thanks for that. Dont think it'll be powerfull enough for my needs then. I will have to tow up hills. I've Since found out the N/A is on something like 67HP as against 110 for a 200tdi. A big difference! also the 200tdi gets near 30mpg. Hmmm looks like it's got to be a 'liverage' 200tdi exchange job then. unless someone knows someone reputable in the south that will do the swop cheaper?:confused:
The previous owner of my truck with 2.5na provided me with evidence of doing 35mpg.
I generally get about 28 towing and low 30s on longer journeys.
It all depends how you drive it. If you have a lead foot you'll get rubbish milage from a 200tdi too.

As long as you arent a racer it goes fine. It'll do 60 at a push, but feels happier about 50/55. Might do more than 60, but I'm not a racer and have never tried.

It'll tow up hills, but you'll only be using low gears.

Other than that its a decent engine, but not as good as a 200tdi.......
The previous owner of my truck with 2.5na provided me with evidence of doing 35mpg.
I generally get about 28 towing and low 30s on longer journeys.
It all depends how you drive it. If you have a lead foot you'll get rubbish milage from a 200tdi too.

As long as you arent a racer it goes fine. It'll do 60 at a push, but feels happier about 50/55. Might do more than 60, but I'm not a racer and have never tried.

It'll tow up hills, but you'll only be using low gears.

Other than that its a decent engine, but not as good as a 200tdi.......
That seems very good MPG for an N/A. Sounds promising. I'm just wondering though was your truck, and your mates a truck cab, i.e. less weighty than my 90 with a hard top and door etc, and soon to have a winch. or tricked up in any way to get better MPG?

I'm no racer either, can I ask what weight you were towing roughly? I'm towing a 1400kg caravan, a heavy wife lol, an electic scooter, and camping gear uphills. I don't mind going in low gears uphills, I just dont want to be crawling along at 20 up hills, and putting a hell of a strain on the engine.

IYO do you think it's doable? And If so, do you, or anyone know how much you can you get a full recon N/A engine for? it would be nice to put it back as it was meant to be. I've heard figures of £900 odd for a recon N/A. seems remarkably cheap compaired to a 200tdi, especially as 'liverage' quoted me £2,000 plus vat for taking out my V8, and putting in a good, but not recon 200tdi. to be fair they do give a 12 month warranty.

Hmmm a difficult one!
Wouldnt you be better selling up and buying one with the right engine for you?
I did think about that, And I would if it was an everyday bashed up landy, but I'm a bodywork man, and I've completely restored the bodywork, as well as the chassis, given it numerous coats of shaltz spray on underseal, replaced loads of other mechanical parts, and just resprayed it.

My landy hasn't got a speck of rust on it, it looks like new! and I know what I've done, and spent on it, which is loads! and I just don't want to do it all again. The V8 is fine too as it's only done 20,000, I just can't afford to run it now. So as I've got such a good vehicle, it woulld make sense to re-engine it. I don't want to put LPG on it, as it makes them run too hot, and will shorten the life of the V8. Hence looking in other engine directions.

Also to add I don't think V8's are selling too well at the mo cos of the fuel costs, I don't think I'll get anything like what it's worth, unless to the right person who happens to be looking for a spot on V8. I would even consider a swop if the vehicle I'm swopping with has a good 200tdi, and is not a pile of rubbish.
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Mine is a hardtop. It has wide tyres, but no off road shrapnel bolted to it. No other changes, I do service it every now and again.
The trailer is 750kg loaded, and I often have the truck fully loaded to the GVW.
On really steep long hills 20mph is likely with the list of gear you have. It doesnt strain, but it just doesnt have any more horsepowers! Sounds good when it is working.

If you are regularly towing big weights on long journeys then a N/A is not for you. It will soon become tedious for you.
I have a 200tdi truck too, unlike the n/a it will actually accelerate up hills.
Mine is a hardtop. It has wide tyres, but no off road shrapnel bolted to it. No other changes, I do service it every now and again.
The trailer is 750kg loaded, and I often have the truck fully loaded to the GVW.
On really steep long hills 20mph is likely with the list of gear you have. It doesnt strain, but it just doesnt have any more horsepowers! Sounds good when it is working.

If you are regularly towing big weights on long journeys then a N/A is not for you. It will soon become tedious for you.
I have a 200tdi truck too, unlike the n/a it will actually accelerate up hills.
I thought as much. shame though, cos the MPG sounds ok. Many thanks for your input, it all helps me decide what engine to get. seems it's only the 200tdi thats going to be practical for me. Best start saving for 'liverage' to do the job! :lol:
Another question for the engine experts. If I put twin kenlowes on my V8, will it compensate for the extra heat being made by LPG'ing my V8?? I know many experts dont like LPG'ing V8's because it makes them run too hot, and will eventually kill them. I'm just wondering if there is anything I can do to compensate for the engine running hotter? If I do put LPG in, it will be done by a professional, and tuned properly. The person I have in mind for doing the job has done LPG jobs for celebrities so they must be good.

I don't mind what I have to do, or how many fans I have to fit to make my engine run cooler to compensate for the LPG, as whatever I have to do will be cheaper than paying for a 200tdi to be fitted. I just need the advice.

So sorry for all the newbie tedious questions, But I want to weigh up all my options correctly, and do what I have to do to get the cheapest, and best way in the long run.

I have learnt much already since being on this forum thanks to all you great guys, I just wish I had this knowledge when I first bought my landy, it would have saved me a big headache, and much cash! :lol:

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