
New Member
Hi, I'm new On here as I'm trying to help out my inlaws who I'm visiting for a few days. Its only changing up when it gets to 3500 rpm, and doesn't seem to kick down. Tick over is about 1000 rpm. From what I've read I'm thinking throttle potentiometer...could this be right? Any way I can test the old one? Thanks
Problem 1 tick over is too high, should be 750rpm =/- 50rpm.
Problem2, late shifting, check the sport button is not pressed. Lots of things can affect shifting from bad connections to transfer box ECU failing.
No point in trying to guess, the throttle position sensor is one of the few reliable bits on the P38, it needs to go on diagnostics to look at live data.
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Thanks for the response. It was the fact that the tickover is high, combined with other things I've seen On here that made me question the throttle position sensor (kind of thought the 2 might be connected). The sport button light does come On and off when you press it, so I can only assume its switching off. Apparently the car has just come back from the local specialist as it was taking several goes with the glow plugs before starting (and I'm told it didn't have the gear issue before going in. ) it does now start ok but coughs and splutters when cold ticking over. I know ideally it needs to go back, but the fact is it almost lives at the garage, and I was hoping I could save them a trip and some expense.
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From what you've said I'd be suspicious that, trying to sort your starting problems, your garage has played with your pump timing and got it wrong.
From what you've said I'd be suspicious that, trying to sort your starting problems, your garage has played with your pump timing and got it wrong.

Yep I agree with dogsbody, the garage has messed with the FIP instead of finding the fault, maybe messed with other things as well. The original problem could well have been glow plugs or maybe in tank pump failing.
Sound like the garage are paid up members of the bodgers union, time to find a good indy.
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Thanks for the info..sorry I didn't mention everything at first, I keep getting extra info from the inlaws. They don't have many garages to choose from in jersey (channel islands)....if anyone has any suggestions? I know they intend to take it back to the original garage, but I'm handy with a spanner and hoped I could help.
Thanks for the info..sorry I didn't mention everything at first, I keep getting extra info from the inlaws. They don't have many garages to choose from in jersey (channel islands)....if anyone has any suggestions? I know they intend to take it back to the original garage, but I'm handy with a spanner and hoped I could help.

You need someone with a Faultmate to look at live data on diagnostics.
Im having similar problems with a 96 dse .It was in a garage and the transfer box was changed , when I got it back the gear change patterns were changed and at high revs , gearbox not slipping .
So far ive changed fluid and filter, transferbox ecu. gearbox ecu, MAP sensor.
but its still the same .
Gearbox was perfect before , have to look now for damaged wiring or connectors ,
Agree with Dogsbody And Datatek - sounds like FIP timing is out....

The only way to set it up correctly is to lock the Crank on the flywheel with a locking tool, and using a DTi measure the lift cam to within a few thou (settings in RAVE) has to be done with DTi, as the measurements are tiny tolerances....
Im having similar problems with a 96 dse .It was in a garage and the transfer box was changed , when I got it back the gear change patterns were changed and at high revs , gearbox not slipping .
So far ive changed fluid and filter, transferbox ecu. gearbox ecu, MAP sensor.
but its still the same .
Gearbox was perfect before , have to look now for damaged wiring or connectors ,

Take it back to the garage and make them fix it.

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