
New Member
hey all iv got a def 90 2.5, has been off the road for a while and now im trying to get it back to roadworthyness again! the choke has not been functioning properly on startup for the past few weeks and now refuses to start at all!:( i had it out driving a few days ago when it started to cut out, luckily it spluttered its way home but have had no kuck starting it since, is this a carb problem and if so will it require service/replacement? any ideas?? Thanks!
Sounds like a fuel supply problem (i.e. the float chambers not being full) is your fuel pump working?

If it is, could be a blocked jet in the carb but fuel supply would be my first port of call for a petrol engine behaving like this.
thanks for that guys, i put in a new fuel tank last week so maybe it affected the pump in some way, and yes its a twin webber, not very familiar with the workings of carbs but i'll google the crap out of it!!:p thanks again!!
sure enough when i was replacing the tank last week i bent the rod thingy which holds the pump to the bottom of the tank, so the pump was only 3/4 depth of the tank while the tank was only a quarter full of petrol hence my problem!.. I love easy solutions:D thanks for puttin me onto the whole pump idea james
Has exatly the same thing happen to me with a BL A series engine in the middle of the Blackwall tunnel. The SU fuel pump that was fitted to the outside of the tank was lethal, and worked less than it did'nt.

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