
New Member
Anyone using biodiesel in the new Defender engine and has anyone a rough idea of cost to convert one to run on waste veg oil??


Dont do it, high pressure common rail wont cope with it injectors and pumps run much finer tolerances. Would not recommend it
What Landy10 said. There's a lot of info...and growing...about the use of Bio generally. I also believe...only read this to be fair...that Landrover do not warranty the use of Bio in the new Defender.

Now....in my 13 year old 300TDi....well.... :p
I have heard through a few sources that the ford engine in these models has been tweaked to allow slight variations in fuel by landrover/ford. Where as the same engine in ford vehicles is only suitable for diesel.
My understanding was that because of the use this vehicle gets ie agriculture ect Its suitabuilty to run on biodiesel, red diesel and white diesel was required. Has anyone else heard or been told this?
But it would definatly not be suitable for veg oil in its raw state.
I understand Prince Charles had one converted for Bio ? I wonder what that involved? - sticker on the back perhaps, or did they really 'convert' it?
- I'd love to know as I what one and I'm looking at supplying Bio.

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