
Active Member
Hi Everyone!
Just a quick question!
Was going to refit my cylinder head tomorrow, but just reading the manual it says I should be using new bolts.......needless to say I have not ordered them and was just wondering if this is really critical?
If it is ill order them no problem. May be someone could tell me why they recommend changing them? Do they stretch or something?
Will look forward to hearing back!
Thank you,
Hi Everyone!
Just a quick question!
Was going to refit my cylinder head tomorrow, but just reading the manual it says I should be using new bolts.......needless to say I have not ordered them and was just wondering if this is really critical?
If it is ill order them no problem. May be someone could tell me why they recommend changing them? Do they stretch or something?
Will look forward to hearing back!
Thank you,
not critical at all, i cant think ive ever changed a set considering the amount of rebuilds on them ive done

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